【AI 動畫】水手服少女系列(Wan)

2025/03/12 44 5 創作作品 , AI動畫

挑選數量:10 部
輸出尺寸:480 x 848 px(30:53)
影格細節:每部有 93 格,每秒有 16 格
生成時間:每部約 25 分鐘
使用工具:ComfyUIWan 2.1

「水手服少女系列」以經典的日本水手服為靈感,結合 AI 影片生成技術,探索少女們在校園與日常生活中的青春片刻。本次主題聚焦於日常學習、課餘活動與季節場景,將水手服少女置於多樣化的情境中,展現她們的純真、努力與情感。這次使用 Wan 2.1 模型於本地端設備(顯示卡 RTX 3060)生成這些動畫,該模型在細節刻畫上表現不錯,例如水手服的褶邊、光影的自然過渡,以及背景的氛圍營造,都能精準呈現日式動畫風格的溫暖與細膩。生成過程中,提示詞的具體性尤為關鍵,適當加入動作、表情與環境描述,能讓畫面更具故事性。然而,偶爾還是會有爛手、穿模、破圖等不這麼視覺和諧的畫面,AI 影片生成技術還有很大的進步空間。接下來就讓我們來欣賞成品吧!

1. 水手服少女寫筆記

💡提示詞:A Japanese anime-style schoolgirl in a sailor uniform, sitting at a desk, writing in a book with a pen.


2. 水手服少女晨讀

💡提示詞:A Japanese anime-style schoolgirl in a sailor uniform, sitting by the window, reading a book in the morning sunlight.


3. 放學後的圖書館時光

💡提示詞:A Japanese anime-style schoolgirl in a sailor uniform, sitting in a quiet library, surrounded by books, deeply focused on her reading.


4. 課後社團練習

💡提示詞:A Japanese anime-style schoolgirl in a sailor uniform, practicing kendo in the school dojo, holding a bamboo sword with a determined look.


5. 放學回家的街道

💡提示詞:A Japanese anime-style schoolgirl in a sailor uniform, walking home along a sunlit street, carrying her school bag and enjoying the breeze.


6. 課間窗邊的發呆時刻

💡提示詞:A Japanese anime-style schoolgirl in a sailor uniform, resting her chin on her hand, gazing out of the classroom window, lost in thought.


7. 下雨天的透明傘

💡提示詞:A Japanese anime-style schoolgirl in a sailor uniform, standing under a transparent umbrella, raindrops falling around her, with a soft melancholic expression.


8. 晨跑的運動少女

💡提示詞:A Japanese anime-style schoolgirl wearing a sailor-style gym outfit, jogging in the morning with a lively and energetic expression.


9. 春日校園賞櫻

💡提示詞:A Japanese anime-style schoolgirl in a sailor uniform, standing under a cherry blossom tree, with petals gently falling around her.


10. 夏日海邊的青春回憶

💡提示詞:A Japanese anime-style schoolgirl in a sailor uniform, standing on a sandy beach, barefoot, as the waves gently touch her feet.



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