【AI 動畫】百合少女系列(Wan)

2025/03/21 12 1 創作作品 , AI動畫

挑選數量:10 部
輸出尺寸:480 x 848 px(30:53)
影格細節:每部有 93 格,每秒有 16 格
生成時間:每部約 25 分鐘
使用工具:ComfyUIWan 2.1

「百合少女系列」以女性之間的親密情感為核心,描繪少女們在日常與特殊時刻中彼此扶持、相互依賴的故事。本主題融合動漫風格的柔美服裝、溫馨場景與細膩互動,展現她們的愛情、友情與心靈交融。使用 Wan 2.1 模型生成,該模型在刻畫情感細節與柔和光影時表現不錯,雖然有時出現預料外的情況。升級後的提示詞結構讓畫面更具情感深度與動漫質感。這個系列將百合少女的溫柔與堅定化為日式動畫的視覺詩篇,每一幕都充滿心動與共鳴。

1. 雨中共享一把傘

💡提示詞:best quality, anime, japanese anime, animation, Two gentle girls in soft pastel outfits with delicate hairpins (one shyly holding a small umbrella over the other), a quiet street with rain-soaked cobblestones and dripping leaves (bathed in a cool gray haze), their shoulders brushing as they walk closely together (radiating tender affection), medium shot with a slow pan, intimate atmosphere, soft romantic style.


很可惜 AI 沒讓她們真的共撐一把小傘😅

2. 花園中的秘密告白

💡提示詞:best quality, anime, japanese anime, animation, Two nervous girls in floral sundresses with matching bracelets (one clasping the other’s hand hesitantly), a blooming garden with vibrant roses and fluttering butterflies (bathed in warm afternoon light), their fingers intertwining as words stumble out (brimming with shy courage), close-up shot with a gentle zoom, heartfelt atmosphere, tender yuri style.


3. 夜空下的星光誓言

💡提示詞:best quality, anime, japanese anime, animation, Two dreamy girls in flowing nightgowns with starry hair clips (sitting side by side, gazing upward), a grassy hill under a vast twinkling sky with a meteor shower (blanketed in cool night tones), their hands resting close as they whisper promises (filled with quiet devotion), wide shot with a slow tilt, serene atmosphere, celestial romance style.


4. 圖書館的靜謐相依

💡提示詞:best quality, anime, japanese anime, animation, Two studious girls in neat school uniforms with ribbon ties (one leaning gently against the other while reading), a cozy library with tall bookshelves and warm lamplight (echoing with faint page-turning sounds), their shoulders touching as they share a book (exuding peaceful closeness), medium shot with a slow dolly-in, tranquil atmosphere, cozy yuri aesthetic.



5. 海邊的雙人嬉戲

💡提示詞:best quality, anime, japanese anime, animation, Two playful girls in breezy swimsuits with seashell necklaces (splashing water at each other with giggles), a sunlit beach with crashing waves and golden sand (dotted with colorful shells), their feet kicking waves as they chase one another (bursting with carefree joy), wide shot with a tracking motion, lively atmosphere, summer love style.


6. 冬日圍爐的溫暖

💡提示詞:best quality, anime, japanese anime, animation, Two cozy girls in fluffy sweaters with knitted scarves (snuggling under a blanket by a fireplace), a rustic room with crackling flames and frosted windows (glowing with soft orange light), their hands warming around mugs as they lean closer (radiating gentle comfort), close-up shot with a slow pan, warm atmosphere, winter intimacy style.


7. 夏季祭典的攜手共舞

💡提示詞:best quality, anime, japanese anime, animation, Two graceful girls in matching festival yukatas with flower pins (dancing hand-in-hand under lanterns), a bustling school festival with colorful stalls and glowing lights (filled with cheerful chatter), their steps syncing as they twirl together (brimming with shared delight), dynamic shot with a slow crane-up, festive atmosphere, romantic festival style.


8. 雨後的彩虹相擁

💡提示詞:best quality, anime, japanese anime, animation, Two relieved girls in damp school outfits with messy hair (hugging tightly after a storm), a quiet park with wet benches and a vibrant rainbow (sparkling with fresh raindrops), their arms wrapping around each other as they laugh (overflowing with relief and love), medium shot with a slow zoom, tender atmosphere, post-rain serenity style.



9. 屋頂的午後閒談

💡提示詞:best quality, anime, japanese anime, animation, Two relaxed girls in casual school outfits with loose ties (sitting close, sharing earbuds), a sunlit school rooftop with a clear blue sky and distant cityscape (breezy with soft wind), their heads tilting together as they listen to music (filled with quiet contentment), wide shot with a gentle tilt, calm atmosphere, everyday yuri style.


10. 櫻花樹下的初吻

💡提示詞:best quality, anime, japanese anime, animation, Two blushing girls in spring dresses with petal hair accessories (standing face-to-face, lips brushing softly), a cherry blossom grove with falling pink petals and soft sunlight (framed by arching branches), their hands trembling as they lean in (overflowing with nervous sweetness), close-up shot with a slow dolly-in, romantic atmosphere, classic yuri blossom style.


啊!還沒吻下去呀!😭 秒數不夠吧!

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