Pokémon GO 教學:寶可夢評價分析(APPRAISE)、中英文對照、紅藍黃隊皆有

2016/08/25 6,363 0 遊戲教學 , 遊戲更新 , Pokémon GO , PMGO更新 , PMGO教學

Pokémon GO 於 2016/08/24 更新 Android 版至 0.35.0 和 iOS 版至 1.5.0[來源],其中最重要的更新就是加入了隊長評價功能,您可以透過隊長的文字說明了解這隻寶可夢的綜合IV值、能力、單項IV值、體型,這裡說明如何使用這個功能,以及紅藍黃隊隊長文字說明中英文對照。

★第一部分:如何使用精靈寶可夢GO(Pokémon GO)評價分析(APPRAISE)功能?

▲開啟精靈寶可夢GO(Pokémon GO),點下方中央按鈕(圖示:寶貝球),再點選單左方按鈕打開寶可夢背包。







一、Team Valor(紅隊)


●綜合IV值82.2% ~ 100%:
Overall, your [Pokemon Name] simply amazes me. It can accomplish anything!
整體來說,你的 [寶可夢名字] 讓我感到吃驚,牠可以完成任何事情!

●綜合IV值66.7% ~ 80%:
Overall, your [Pokemon Name] is a strong Pokemon. You should be proud!
整體來說,你的 [寶可夢名字] 是一隻強大的寶可夢,你應該感到自豪!

●綜合IV值51.1% ~ 64.4%:
Overall, your [Pokemon Name] is a decent
整體來說,你的 [寶可夢名字] 還不錯

●綜合IV值0% ~ 48.9%:
Overall, your [Pokemon Name] may not be great in battle, but I still like it!
整體來說,你的 [寶可夢名字] 也許對戰不怎麼樣,但我還是很喜歡牠!


Its [Attack or HP or Defense] is its strongest feature.
牠的 [攻擊或生命值或防禦] 是牠最強的特色

I'm just as impressed with its [Attack or HP or Defense].
牠的 [攻擊或生命值或防禦] 一樣讓我印象深刻


I'm blown away by its stats. WOW!

It's got excellent stats! How exciting!

Its stats indicate that in battle, it'll get the job done.

Its stats don't point to greatness in battle.


Your [Pokemon Name] is gigantic—the largest I've ever seen!
你的 [寶可夢名字] 真是巨大!這是我見過最大的!

Your [Pokemon Name] is rather sizable, that's for sure!
你的 [寶可夢名字] 體型真的很大!

Aww, what a small [Pokemon Name] ! It's rather cute, I'd say.
噢... 真是隻小 [寶可夢名字] 啊!不過我必須說,牠還挺可愛的

Your [Pokemon Name] is so tiny, I almost didn't notice it!
你的 [寶可夢名字] 有夠迷你,我差點沒注意到牠!


Hope I was able to help. Take care!

二、Team Mystic(藍隊)


●綜合IV值82.2% ~ 100%:
Overall, your [Pokemon Name] is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokemon!
整體而言,你的 [寶可夢名字] 是個奇蹟!真是令人感到驚奇的寶可夢啊!

●綜合IV值66.7% ~ 80%:
Overall, your [Pokemon Name] has certainly caught my attention.
整體而言,你的 [寶可夢名字] 深深吸引我的目光

●綜合IV值51.1% ~ 64.4%:
Overall, your [Pokemon Name] is above average.
整體而言,你的 [寶可夢名字] 在水準以上

●綜合IV值0% ~ 48.9%:
Overall, your [Pokemon Name] is not likely to make much headway in battle
整體而言,你的 [寶可夢名字] 不太能在激烈的戰鬥取得優勢


I see that its best attribute is its [Attack or HP or Defense].
我發現牠的 [攻擊或生命值或防禦] 是最好的

It is matched equally by its [Attack or HP or Defense].
我發現牠的 [攻擊或生命值或防禦] 和 [攻擊或生命值或防禦] 不相上下


Its stats exceed my calculations. It's incredible!

I am certainly impressed by its stats, I must say.

Its stats are noticeably trending to the positive.

Its stats are not out of the norm, in my opinion


The size of your [Pokemon Name] is... colossal. This is indeed exceptional. Fascinating!
你的 [寶可夢名字] 體型...非常巨大,這的確是個例外。真是迷人!

Your [Pokemon Name] is above average in size.
你的 [寶可夢名字] 比平均體型還大

Your [Pokemon Name] is below average in size.
你的 [寶可夢名字] 比平均體型還小

Your [Pokemon Name] is tinier than any we have on record. Astounding.
你的這隻 [寶可夢名字] 小到破記錄了,真是驚人


This ends my analysis. Farewell.

三、Team Instinct(黃隊)


●綜合IV值82.2% ~ 100%:
Overall, your [Pokemon Name] looks like it can really battle with the best of them!
整體來看,你的 [寶可夢名字] 是屬於戰鬥力最強喔!

●綜合IV值66.7% ~ 80%:
Overall, your [Pokemon Name] is really strong!
整體來看,你的 [寶可夢名字] 真的很強!

●綜合IV值51.1% ~ 64.4%:
Overall, your [Pokemon Name] is pretty decent!
整體來看,你的 [寶可夢名字] 還不錯啦!

●綜合IV值0% ~ 48.9%:
Overall, your [Pokemon Name] has room for improvement as far as battling goes.
整體來看,你的 [寶可夢名字] 要參加戰鬥還有很多的進步空間


Its best quality is its [Attack or HP or Defense].
牠最強的能力是牠的 [攻擊或生命值或防禦]

Its [Attack or HP or Defense] is great, too!
牠的 [攻擊或生命值或防禦] 也很棒喔!


Its stats are the best I've ever seen! No doubt about it!

Its stats are really strong! Impressive.

It's definitely got some good stats. Definitely!

Its stats are all right, but kinda basic, as far as I can see.


Your [Pokemon Name] is just HUGE!
你的 [寶可夢名字] 超大的!

Your [Pokemon Name] is a BIG one!
你的 [寶可夢名字] 是個大傢伙啊!

Your [Pokemon Name] is a little small for its kind, don't you think?
你的 [寶可夢名字] 好像比同種類小,你不覺得嗎?

Wh-whoa. That's the tiniest [Pokemon Name] I've ever seen!
哇!這真是我見過最小的 [寶可夢名字] 了!


That's what I think! See ya!

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