SD web UI:AI 繪圖背景提詞百選,一百種背景任君挑選!

2024/10/27 474 294 軟體應用 , 人工智慧 , AI繪圖

SD web UI 全稱 Stable Diffusion web UI,是本次要使用的 AI 繪圖工具。在當前的 AI 繪圖時代,提詞(Prompts)已成為創作的核心關鍵。透過精心設計的背景提詞,能夠引導 AI 生成出各種不同風格和氛圍的作品。這篇文章精選出 100 種背景提詞,涵蓋從沉船遺跡到未來都市、從森林迷霧到太空奇景的多樣題材。這些提詞不僅僅是單純的文字描述,更是創作者與 AI 之間的靈感橋樑,可以帶領 AI 載入細膩的細節和獨特的美感。無論你是想要探索奇幻世界、描繪古老傳說,或是捕捉現代都市的繁華景象,這些提詞都能成為你創作過程中的強大助力。希望這些背景提詞能激發你的想像力,協助你在 AI 繪圖的世界中創造出更多令人驚嘆的作品。也歡迎大家投稿自己的作品或相關資訊到萌芽論壇



大型模型:Animagine XL V3.1
疊代步數:30 步
取樣方法:DPM++ 2M
輸出尺寸:1280 x 768 px(5:3)
CFG Scale:7
正向提詞:(best quality:1.2), (1girl,solo:1.3), long hair, white hair, bangs, (standing), arms behind back, cowboy shot, sense of depth, + 背景提詞


1. 沉船遺跡

(crystal clear water:1.4), (anchor:1.4), (blue sky:1.5), (Shipwrecks:1.4), cumulus clouds, coral reef, deep sea.

2. 古老圖書館

(((gothic room))), dark atmosphere, (colorful bookshelves:1.5), stained glass windows, ancient scrolls, (candlelight:1.3).

3. 夢幻公寓

(cute interior:1.5), (pink room), window view, frills, cozy couch, (Foliage plant:1.2), pastel curtains, fantasy.

4. 城鎮市集

(walking in the town:1.5), outdoor, street market, (cafeteria:1.4), flower shop, evening glow, street lamps.

5. 海底奇景

(floating in water:1.5), tropical fish, coral reefs, (underwater ruins:1.3), jellyfish, shafts of light, (large seashells:1.4).

6. 月光夜影

(flying bats), (pink full moon), dark silhouettes, city at night, lamp posts, gothic architecture, mysterious.

7. 奇幻世界

pastel colors, rainbow waterfall, dripping ink, castle ruins, magical plants, glowing flowers, wonderland theme.

8. 雲端城市

(above the clouds:1.4), floating islands, (castle in the sky), hot air balloons, zero gravity, giant full moon.

9. 可愛臥房

(pink kawaii room), (starry decorations), (ribbon curtains:1.4), stuffed toys, candy-themed furniture, colorful cushions.

10. 未來神社

cyberpunk, neon lights, (Japanese torii:1.5), futuristic skyline, glowing billboards, misty streets, shrine gateway.

11. 夕陽與細雨

orange sky, (city at dusk), after rain, sunset glow, puddles reflecting light, wet pavement, mountainous horizon.

12. 齒輪機械

(giant gears:1.5), steampunk style, (dark machinery), glowing outlines, rotating cogs, clockwork universe, intricate details.

13. 宇宙奇景

galaxy, (fibonacci spiral:1.4), luminous stars, milky way, interstellar clouds, nebula, cosmic energy.

14. 火焰效果

(vortex of fire:1.5), glowing embers, burning sky, swirling flames, ash particles, dark red glow, magic circles.

15. 哥德式房間

gothic interior, (dark room), heavy shadows, black furniture, stained glass, large windows, antique decor.

16. 深海水母

(glowing jellyfish:1.5), dark ocean, (underwater bioluminescence), blue depths, otherworldly, colorful coral.

17. 高處俯瞰

(view from the top:1.5), summer sky, panoramic city view, horizon line, (group of buildings), (warm light:1.2).

18. 室內花園

indoor plants, fountain, glass ceiling, colorful flowers, (natural light:1.5), (botanical room:1.3), wooden furniture.

19. 雜亂房間

(cluttered space:1.8), items scattered, old furniture, dim lighting, cozy chaos, small details, personal objects.

20. 賽博都市

cyberpunk cityscape, (neon glow:1.4), rain-soaked streets, holograms, futuristic buildings, (dark alley:1.3).

21. 骷髏房間

(large skull decorations:1.5), thorns, old furniture, gothic mirror, red velvet carpet, haunted atmosphere.

22. 閃耀之夜

heart and star motifs, glittering decorations, romantic nightscape, clock tower, twinkling lights, kawaii accents.

23. 傳統祭典

fireworks, paper lanterns, traditional stalls, crowd, (festival atmosphere), (cultural celebration), night lights.

24. 戰場遺跡

(ruined town:1.4), smoke, wreckage, broken vehicles, (damaged buildings), (sparks:1.3), desolation.

25. 小酒吧

(dimly lit bar), cocktail glasses, neon lights, (wooden counter:1.4), cozy atmosphere, vintage decor.

26. 黃昏港口

small boats, pier, evening light, (seagulls in the distance), calm waters, twilight, soft shadows.

27. 中世紀街道

(fantasy town:1.4), medieval streets, bustling market, old castle, flowers, cobblestone paths, lively atmosphere.

28. 林間小溪

river, sunlight filtering through trees, reflections on water, calm nature, (forest canopy:1.4), peaceful setting.

29. 月夜與蝶

(glowing butterflies:1.4), moonlit forest, pink moon, (fluttering lights), ethereal beauty, magical atmosphere.

30. 工廠景象

industrial complex, (rusty pipes:1.4), heavy machinery, smoke stacks, neon lights, night shift, oil refinery.

31. 日式和室

(traditional Japanese room), tatami mats, (sliding doors), (blooming cherry blossoms), warm sunlight, tranquility.

32. 粉紅玫瑰

(pink rose garden), gothic vibe, checkerboard floor, elegant interior, floral arrangements, antique furnishings.

33. 馬卡龍魔法

(macaron decorations), sweets-themed room, minimalist design, (candy colors:1.4), round shapes, light-hearted.

34. 熱帶海灘

palm trees, white sand, turquoise sea, (starfish), clear blue sky, beach paradise, tropical flowers.

35. 遊樂園

amusement park, ferris wheel, (roller coaster), colorful attractions, joyful crowd, summer fun, balloons.

36. 雷電效果

(crackling lightning:1.5), stormy clouds, electric sparks, glowing aura, blue flashes, high voltage.

37. 古老教堂

stained glass windows, gothic architecture, divine light, (holy cross), religious symbols, vaulted ceiling.

38. 太空探險

(spacecraft:1.5), floating in space, star clusters, asteroid field, (satellite:1.3), futuristic design, zero gravity.

39. 蘑菇王國

(giant glowing mushrooms), (mystical forest), fireflies, deep night, fantasy world, otherworldly ambiance.

40. 黑幫城市

(dark alley), neon signs, graffiti walls, gang hideout, (broken windows), rough neighborhood, moonlight shadows.

41. 鄉村車站

old wooden train station, (rustic decor), (railroad tracks:1.4), countryside, nostalgic, early morning mist.

42. 水晶宮殿

(crystal-clear reflections), (glowing walls), grand hall, cascading waterfall, shiny surfaces, enchanted vibe.

43. 風車花田

(colorful flowers:1.5), (windmill on hill), blue sky, bright sunlight, open fields, countryside peace.

44. 荒廢文明

(overgrown ruins), abandoned city, (nature reclaiming), moss-covered structures, broken windows, eerie silence.

45. 夜色城堡

cherry blossoms under moonlight, Japanese castle, (starry sky:1.3), falling petals, festive atmosphere, lanterns.

46. 夜晚泳池

glowing pool, luxury resort, city skyline, (blue water), tropical plants, summer night, rooftop view.

47. 紅葉山景

(autumn forest), golden leaves, (crisp air), (clear stream), gentle breeze, mountain scenery, nature's beauty.

48. 雪景小鎮

(snow-covered rooftops), winter market, cozy lights, (snowflakes falling:1.4), frosty air, tranquil village.

49. 雨天街景

pouring rain, city street, reflections, umbrellas, (wet sidewalks), neon signs, overcast sky.

50. 彩虹夢境

rainbow arch, pastel colors, (fantasy garden), (glowing flowers), dreamlike atmosphere, candy land, floating islands.

51. 魔幻森林

(whispering trees), (bioluminescent plants), glowing mushrooms, soft fog, (deep forest), enchanted paths.

52. 銀白宮殿

(marble hallways), (silver chandeliers), opulent architecture, polished floors, reflections, grandeur.

53. 海上日出

golden sunrise, (ocean waves), peaceful horizon, seabirds, morning mist, orange glow, serene ambiance.

54. 砂漠遺跡

(ancient ruins), golden sand, (cracked statues), blazing sun, oasis, abandoned temples, mystic symbols.

55. 流星夜空

starry night, meteor shower, (galactic sky), twinkling stars, deep cosmos, awe-inspiring view, dark blue.

56. 童話小鎮

(storybook houses), colorful rooftops, cobblestone streets, friendly villagers, warm lights, quaint shops.

57. 冰川洞窟

icy walls, glowing crystals, cold mist, (blue glow), frozen river, mysterious cave, echoing silence.

58. 機械都市

cyberpunk skyscrapers, (glowing billboards), metal structures, steam vents, high-tech, robotic figures.

59. 墳場夜晚

spooky graveyard, (broken tombstones), withered trees, full moon, (misty shadows), old chapel, eerie stillness.

60. 迷霧森林

thick fog, (gnarled trees), hidden paths, (soft light beams), hushed atmosphere, secrets of the woods.

61. 太陽花田

vast sunflower field, (bright sunlight), cheerful atmosphere, blue sky, endless flowers, summer warmth.

62. 市中心夜景

bustling downtown, (bright lights), modern architecture, nightlife, busy streets, city glow, skyscrapers.

63. 氣球之旅

colorful balloons, (above the landscape), sunrise glow, floating gently, panoramic view, open skies.

64. 黑白劇場

monochrome, (dramatic lighting), stage curtains, (old theater), classic drama, elegant figures, antique charm.

65. 深夜咖啡館

dim light, cozy interior, steaming cups, (rain on windows), warm atmosphere, quiet conversations.

66. 花瓣湖泊

calm lake, floating petals, (soft reflections), cherry blossom trees, pastel sky, tranquil water, gentle breeze.

67. 光之樹林

glowing vines, (twinkling lights), magical woods, (misty paths), otherworldly creatures, shimmering leaves.

68. 石雕聖地

carved statues, sacred ruins, (moss-covered rocks), golden light, hidden sanctuary, ancient wisdom.

69. 水墨山水

ink painting style, (black and white), flowing river, (majestic peaks), foggy valleys, traditional brushstrokes.

70. 玻璃花園

transparent greenhouse, (botanical collection), diffused sunlight, glass walls, rare plants, humidity.

71. 極地曙光

aurora borealis, frozen landscape, (snow-covered trees), icy lake, cold night, vibrant colors, natural wonder.

72. 無盡圖書館

(infinite bookshelves), towering rows, cozy reading corners, dim lighting, old tomes, knowledge sanctuary.

73. 仙境城堡

floating castle, (glowing aura), clouds swirling, (golden gate), fantasy realm, majestic architecture.

74. 遠古神廟

overgrown vines, ancient columns, (stone carvings), dim light, jungle surroundings, sacred grounds.

75. 風暴海岸

crashing waves, (dark clouds), lighthouse beam, stormy weather, foamy seas, rocky shore, ocean fury.

76. 夏日祭典

(ferris wheel lights), city skyline, summer festival, colorful bulbs, laughter in the distance, gentle breeze.

77. 暗黑集市

shadowy stalls, (mysterious vendors), strange wares, (glowing trinkets), hushed whispers, eerie vibe.

78. 暮光森林

(golden light), thick trees, quiet evening, (fallen leaves), hidden pathways, calm, nature's beauty.

79. 水族館

small fish tanks, colorful fish, (blue glow), gentle bubbles, underwater wonder, aquatic decorations.

80. 童話世界

candy houses, (giant lollipops), magical creatures, pastel colors, fairytale vibes, enchanted woods.

81. 廢棄工業

(rusted machines), (abandoned playground), overgrown plants, creaky swings, silent atmosphere, industrial relics.

82. 透明懸空

high above, (transparent path), panoramic view, sheer drop, sunlight reflections, bold design, thrill.

83. 幽暗廢墟

(dark abyss), (ancient ruins), sunken ship, ethereal glow, lurking shadows, strange creatures, deep blue.

84. 曠野沙丘

(shifting sand), (sandstorm), sun setting, vast emptiness, golden hues, silence of the desert.

85. 孤獨燈塔

(solitary lighthouse), ocean waves, storm clouds, guiding light, isolated island, rugged cliffs.

86. 夏日海邊

(surfboards on the sand), beach towels, sunbathing, (tropical drinks), sea breeze, laughter, fun.

87. 黃昏草原

open field, (golden grass), setting sun, gentle wind, quiet moments, natural beauty, endless horizon.

88. 夢幻花田

fields of lavender, (soft light), distant hills, bees buzzing, floral scent, romantic feel.

89. 工業河岸

steel bridge, (shipping containers), river docks, (industrial cranes), twilight glow, gritty vibe.

90. 火山爆發

erupting volcano, (molten lava), ash clouds, red-hot glow, raw power, smoke billowing, intense heat.

91. 煙霧小鎮

old town, (morning fog), cobblestone streets, historic buildings, low visibility, mysterious charm.

92. 破碎鏡屋

shattered mirrors, reflective surfaces, scattered glass, (distorted reflections), fragmented reality.

93. 森林溪流

babbling brook, mossy rocks, (woodland creatures), shaded glades, cool breeze, natural tranquility.

94. 黑暗迷宮

shadowy corridors, (intricate patterns), eerie silence, (glowing symbols), hidden traps, psychological thrill.

95. 霓虹小巷

vibrant signs, (wet pavement), deep night, shadowy figures, rain streaks, urban pulse, street life.

96. 春日花園

cherry blossom petals, (blooming flowers), gentle sunlight, picnic blanket, warm breeze, nature's renewal.

97. 天文台

giant telescope, (starry night), observatory dome, scientific instruments, cold air, quiet anticipation.

98. 魔法市集

enchanted market, (glowing potions), mystical items, strange characters, (spell scrolls), atmospheric.

99. 繁星草地

star-filled sky, (open meadow), wildflowers, night insects, cool air, sense of peace, freedom.

100. 晨曦山脈

mountain range, first light, (golden hues), mist rising, crisp air, grandeur of nature, majestic view.


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