ᴴᴰ⁶⁰【東方Vocal】GET IN THE RING|Daybreak Metronome【中日English附詞】

2018/08/30 406 0 視覺化 , 東方Vocal , 歌詞 ,

嗨!這是我們第279部視覺化、第259部東方Vocal影片,長度約4分鐘,希望您能喜歡!😊 這次翻譯C94新曲!此曲為專輯「"Activity" Case:08 -Midnight Syndrome-」第三軌。附日文、日文羅馬拼音、中文、English字幕,翻譯部分意思可能與原意有所誤差。
Hi! This is our 279th visualization, 259th Touhou Vocal video with a length of about 4 minutes, hope you like it! 😊 This is a translation of a C94 new song, the 3th track of the album ""Activity" Case:08 -Midnight Syndrome-". The video includes Japanese, Japanese Romanization, Traditional Chinese and English Subtitles. Translation might be different from its original meaning.

This channel has no profit-making behavior. If there are any need for improvement, feel free to leave a message for us. Please let us know if it is inappropriate, we will delete the video on time, thanks!
Please do not Re-upload or Re-create our video! Thanks!

♫ 歌曲紹介/歌曲資訊/Introduction:Daybreak Metronome / 破曉節拍器
♫ オリジナル/原曲/Original:舊約酒場~ Dateless Bar "Old Adam". 《二日酔いの同床異夢》
♫ 中譯/Chinese Traditional Translation:天宫冥子
♫ 英譯/English Translation:天宫冥子
♫ PV:冰淇淋 ‧ Bing Qilin
♫ 發布/Release:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
♫ サークル/社團/Circle:GET IN THE RING http://gchm-music.com/
♫ アルバム/專輯/Album:2018-08-10 (C94) GET IN THE RING - "Activity" Case:08 -Midnight Syndrome- https://activity-case-08.tumblr.com/
♫ アレンジ/編曲/Arrange:GCHM https://twitter.com/GCHM0927
♫ リリック/作詞/Lyric:GCHM https://twitter.com/GCHM0927
♫ ヴォーカル/歌手/Vocal:みぃ https://twitter.com/miemum
♫ 画像/圖片/Image:dairi https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4920496
♫ 背景画像/背景圖片/Background image:https://unsplash.com/photos/HjHINRsDdq0

✎ 製作/Maker:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MengYueHD/
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Google+:https://plus.google.com/b/102321267020979616294/+mnyue
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Telegram:https://t.me/mnyue
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✎ 更多視覺化音樂/More Effects Music:https://mnya.tw/ms/word/category/effects
✎ 更多東方音樂/More Touhou Music:https://mnya.tw/ms/word/category/touhou

♪ 歌詞/Lyric:

さあ帰ろう 暁に背を向け街を歩く
saa kaerou akatsuki ni se o muke machi o aruku
回去吧 背向拂曉 走在街道上
Let's go back now, turn our backs towards dawn and walk at the streets

koyoi no monogatari o kamishime nagara
As we reflect upon tonight's story

amata no hoshi ga matataku basho de
In a place where countless stars shine

anata no uta ni mimi sumaseba
If we listen carefully to your song

この夢から醒めて 全てを忘れてしまっても
kono yume kara samete subete o wasurete shimattemo
即便從這場夢醒來後 忘掉了一切
Even if we forgot everything once we woke up from this dream

itsuka mata deau darou
We'll encounter again someday

消える星影にいま そっと時を重ねて Daybreak Sun
kieru hoshikage ni ima sotto toki o kasanete Daybreak Sun
消逝的星光如今 輕輕累積起光陰 黎明之陽
Now, the vanishing starlight accumulated time, with the daybreak sun

metoronoumu no you ni
Just like a metronome

furafura to obotsukanai ashidori
步履蹣跚 路也走不穩
Feeling unsteady and walk unsteadily

doko kara ga gensou de shinjitsu wa ima doko ni aru
幻想從何處而來 真相如今又身在何處
Where are illusions from, where is the truth now

hitorihitori ga tsunagaru sora de
In a universe where everyone's connected together

anata to ima o katariatta
I talked to you now

この夢が醒めずに いつまでもいられるならと
kono yume ga samezu ni itsumade mo irarerunara to
若是能不從這夢中醒來 永遠留在這裡
If we can stay in this dream forever and ever

dore dake negatta darou
Then how much we wished for it to come true

照らす朝焼けだけが そっと背中を撫ぜる Daybreak Shine
terasu asayake dake ga sotto senaka o nazeru Daybreak Shine
只有照耀大地的晨光 輕輕地撫摸著後背 拂曉之光
Only the shining sunrise colours gently caress our backs, with the darkbreak shine

metoronoumu no you ni
Just like a metronome

この夢から醒めて 全てを忘れてしまっても
kono yume kara samete subete o wasurete shimattemo
即便從這場夢醒來後 忘掉了一切
Even if we forgot everything once we woke up from this dream

itsuka mata deau darou
We'll encounter again someday

消える星影にいま そっと時を重ねて Daybreak Sun
kieru hoshikage ni ima sotto toki o kasanete Daybreak Sun
消逝的星光如今 輕輕累積起光陰 拂曉之陽
Now, the vanishing starlight accumulated time, with the daybreak sun

metoronoumu no you ni
Just like a metronome

asu mo mata, kimi no tonari de
明日依然 在你身邊
Tommorrow, I'll be next to you again

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