ᴴᴰ⁶⁰【東方Vocal】GET IN THE RING|霜刃【中日English附詞】

2017/09/09 956 0 視覺化 , 東方Vocal , 歌詞 ,

Hi! This is our 233th visualization, 213th Touhou Vocal video with a length of about 4 minutes, hope you like it! This is a translation of a C91 song, the first track of the album "Axelerator". The video includes Japanese, Japanese Romanization, Traditional Chinese and English Subtitles. Translation might be different from its original meaning.

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♫ 歌曲紹介/歌曲資訊/Introduction:霜刃 / 霜之刃 / Frost Blade
♫ オリジナル/原曲/Original:
╠ 東方妖妖夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. 《東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple》
╚ 東方妖妖夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. 《広有射怪鳥事 ~ Till When?》
♫ 中譯/Chinese Traditional Translation:天宫冥子
♫ 英譯/English Translation:Releska https://releska.wordpress.com/2017/08/05/frost-blade/
♫ PV:冰淇淋 ‧ Bing Qilin
♫ 發布/Release:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
♫ サークル/社團/Circle:GET IN THE RING http://gchm-music.com/
♫ アルバム/專輯/Album:2016-12-29 (C91) GET IN THE RING - Axelerator https://axelerator-c91.tumblr.com/
♫ アレンジ/編曲/Arrange:GCHM https://twitter.com/GCHM0927
♫ リリック/作詞/Lyric:GCHM https://twitter.com/GCHM0927
♫ ヴォーカル/歌手/Vocal:みぃ https://twitter.com/miemum
♫ ギター/吉他/Guitar:あをき https://twitter.com/Awoki_gt
♫ ベース/貝斯/Bass:Pira
♫ 画像/圖片/Image:羽々斬 https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=60402239

✎ 製作/Maker:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MengYueHD/
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Google+:https://plus.google.com/b/102321267020979616294/+mnyue
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♪ 歌詞/Lyric:

蒼く染まるUniverse 時代を映す霜刃
aoku somaru Universe jidai wo utsusu souji
染成蒼藍色的宇宙 反映時代的霜之刃
The universe is dyed blue. The frost blade reflects the ages.

tsuki no hikari tatae tokoyami kakete
填滿了月光 飛奔於常世黑暗
Filled to the brim with moonlight, it races through the darkness.

響く叫び 遠く 誰かを喚んでる 生きた証を刻むように
hibiku sakebi tooku dareka wo yonderu ikita akashi wo kizamu you ni
喊叫聲回響於遠方 呼喚著誰 刻下生存的證明
Screams echo into the distance, calling out for someone. They do it to prove they were alive.

鈍く痛む傷跡さえも恐れず 明日を真っ直ぐ斬り拓きたい
nibuku itamu kizuato sae mo osorezu asu wo massugu kiri hirakitai
連鈍痛的傷痕也不恐懼般 想直斬明日 劈開一切
I don't even fear my dully aching scars. I want to cleave through tomorrow.

modoranai kako wo oikakeru yori
Rather than chasing an unreachable past,

machi ukeru mirai ni idome
I'll challenge the future I'm expecting.

そして抗えない Destiny 紡ぎ出した言葉
soshite sakaenai Destiny tsumugi dashita kotoba
然後在無法抵抗的命運裡 交織出字句
“I can't fight against destiny.” Words, which I spun together.

僅かな迷いごと絶ち切る Flashing light
wazukana mayoi goto tachi kiru Flashing light
稍有遲疑 便以閃爍的光芒切斷它
I will cut away whatever fleeting doubts remain with a flashing light.

いま火花散るこの空に 流れ落ちた涙
ima hibana chiru kono sora ni nagare ochita namida
如今在這煙花四散的天空中 流下淚水
Now, my fallen tears lie in the sky in which sparks scatter.

kegare naki tamashii ga yobi samasu kioku
毫無污穢的魂魄 喚醒了記憶
Memories are awakened by my pure soul.

Take your way 切っ先の行方は
Take your way kissaki no yukue wa
自選道路 劍鋒前方的去向
Take your way. As for where the point of my blade will end up—

Nobody knows 新たな軌跡 刻め
Nobody knows aratana kiseki kizame
無人知曉 刻下嶄新的軌跡
Nobody knows. It will carve a new locus.

消える意識 嘆く暇もない Life and death 遍く訪れる地平線
kieru ishiki nageku hima mo nai Life and death amaneku otozureru chiheisen
沒時間對消失的記憶 唉聲嘆氣 生與死 處於走訪遍地的地平線
My consciousness fades away. I don't have time to grieve. Life and death. The horizon appears, far and wide.

幼い頃に描いた楽園の地図は 今も忘れられないまま
osanai koro ni egaita rakuen no chizu wa ima mo wasurerarenai mama
年幼時描畫出的樂園地圖 現如今也無法忘懷
I still can't forget the map of paradise that I drew when I was young.

kanawanai yume wo miakite mo
即便厭倦了 夢見無數次 無法實現的夢境
Though I'm tired of having dreams that won't come true

akiramenai ima ni tobikome
我也不會放棄 潛入現在
I won't give up. I'll leap into what's going on now.

夜を切り裂いた Eternity 滲む狂気の中で
yoru wo kirisaita Eternity nijimu kyouki no naka de
切開暗夜的永恆 狂氣滲入其中
Eternity tore the night to pieces while insanity welled up.

冷たく輝く幽玄の Edge of the blade
tsumetaku kagayaku yuugen no Edge of the blade
隱約發出冰冷光輝的 神秘刀刃
The edge of the blade holds hidden beauty. It is cold. It sparkles.

ただ見つめ合うその刹那 恋にも似た激情
tada mitsumeau sono setsuna koi ni mo nita gekijou
僅僅凝視著彼此的一刹那 就感到仿似戀愛的激情
At that moment, when we just looked at each other, I felt a passion, like love.

matsurou tamashii wa rinretsu no hana
服從他人的魂魄 為凜冽芳華
My worshipping soul is an intense flower.

Brace myself 剣閃の行方は
Brace myself kensen no yukue wa
撐住自己 劍刃閃爍的去向
Brace myself. As for where the flash of my blade will end up—

Nobody knows 新たな軌跡 刻め
Nobody knows aratana kiseki kizame
無人知曉 刻下嶄新的軌跡
Nobody knows. It will carve a new locus.

重ねた虚像の境界線 歪んだ世界は君の心 偽る
kasaneta kyozou no kyoukaisen hizunda sekai wa kimi no kokoro itsuwaru
虛擬圖像層層重疊而成的境界線 你的心在這歪曲世界 也是偽造的
The boundary line is formed from overlapping virtual images. The twisted world falsifies your heart.

それでも守ると誓った 暁に桜舞う季節の終わり
sore demo mamoru to chikatta akatsuki ni sakura mau kisetsu no owari
即便如此我也誓死會守護你 拂曉之時在櫻花飛舞的季節之末
But I swore to protect you. It's the end of the season of cherry blossoms dancing in the dawn.

運命と斬り結べ 夢幻のその刃で
sadame to kiri musube mugen no sono yaiba de
以這夢幻刀刃 斬斷命運
I will clash blades with fate, using my sword of dreams.

僅かな迷いごと絶ち切る Flashing light
wazukana mayoi goto tachi kiru Flashing light
稍有遲疑 便以閃爍的光芒切斷它
I will cut away whatever fleeting doubts remain with a flashing light.

いま火花散るこの空に 流れ落ちた涙
ima hibana chiru kono sora ni nagare ochita namida
如今在這煙花四散的天空中 流下淚水
Now, my fallen tears lie in the sky in which sparks scatter.

kegare naki tamashii ga yobi samasu kioku
毫無污穢的魂魄 喚醒了記憶
Memories are awakened by my pure soul.

Take your way 切っ先の行方は
Take your way kissaki no yukue wa
自選道路 劍鋒前方的去向
Take your way. As for where the point of my blade will end up—

Nobody knows 新たな軌跡 刻め
Nobody knows aratana kiseki kizame
無人知曉 刻下嶄新的軌跡
Nobody knows. It will carve a new locus.

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