
2017/07/31 724 0 視覺化 , 東方Vocal , 歌詞 ,

嗨!這是我們第201部視覺化、第182部東方Vocal影片,長度4分鐘,希望您能喜歡!這次翻譯C87歌曲!此曲為專輯「Cold Snap」第二軌。非常感謝 FELT 同意我們使用他們的創作!「C92各社團全新東方同人音樂專輯整理」已發佈,歡迎有興趣的人去瀏覽唷!附日文、日文羅馬拼音、中文、English字幕,翻譯部分意思可能與原意有所誤差。
Hi! This is our 201th visualization, 182th Touhou Vocal video with a length of about 4 minutes, hope you like it! This is a translation of a C87 song, the second track of the album "Cold Snap". Many thanks for FELT for agreeing that we use their creations! "Arranging New Touhou Doujin Music Albums of Each Circle of C92" has been published, welcome to interested people to browse! The video includes Japanese, Japanese Romanization, Traditional Chinese and English Subtitles. Translation might be different from its original meaning.

This channel has no profit-making behavior. If there are any need for improvement, feel free to leave a message for us. Please let us know if it is inappropriate, we will delete the video on time, thanks!
Please do not Re-upload or Re-create our video! Thanks!

♫ 歌曲紹介/歌曲資訊/Introduction:white / 雪白
♫オリジナル/原曲/Original:東方妖妖夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. 《クリスタライズシルバー》
♫ 中譯/Chinese Traditional Translation:天宫冥子
♫ 英譯/English Translation:Amen https://amentranslations.wordpress.com/2015/01/11/white/
♫ PV:冰淇淋 ‧ Bing Qilin
♫ 發布/Release:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
♫ サークル/社團/Circle:FELT http://feltmusic.net/
♫ アルバム/專輯/Album:2014-12-29 (C87) FELT - Cold Snap http://feltmusic.net/FELT015/
♫ アレンジ/編曲/Arrange:NAGI☆
♫ リリック/作詞/Lyric:美歌
♫ ヴォーカル/歌手/Vocal:舞花
♫ 画像/圖片/Image:dairi https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=57534015
♫ 背景画像/背景圖片/background image:https://unsplash.com/?photo=cFplR9ZGnAk

✎ 製作/Maker:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MengYueHD/
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Google+:https://plus.google.com/b/102321267020979616294/+mnyue
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✎ 萌芽音樂網 ‧ Mnya Music Website:https://mnya.tw/ms/
✎ 更多視覺化音樂/More Effects Music:https://mnya.tw/ms/word/category/effects
✎ 更多東方音樂/More Touhou Music:https://mnya.tw/ms/word/category/touhou

♪ 歌詞/Lyric:

白い息が空へ消えていく はじまる夜を前に
shiroi iki ga sora e kiete iku hajimaru yoru o mae ni
雪白的氣息在暗夜開幕前 消失於空
My white breath fades into the sky, before the beginning night

冷たい風がキラリと 揺らす星
tsumetai kaze ga kirari to yurasu hoshi
冰冷微風閃閃發光 和燦星陣陣發抖
the freezing wind with a gleam causes the stars to shiver

いつの日からだったんだろう 描いた夢の中で
itsu no hi kara datta n darou egaita yume no naka de
筆下的夢裡 從這一日開始已有多久
I wonder how long it's been, that in the dreams I imagined

空になった 心浮かぶ箱たち
kara ni natta kokoro ukabu hakotachi
the packages crossing my mind became empty

nagai nemuri o mukaeru mae ni
Before I welcome hibernation

瞬く星の海 走るの
matataku hoshi no umi hashiru no
I'm going to run towards the sea of twinkling stars

広がる銀の世界 薄れていく足跡
hirogaru gin no sekai usurete yuku ashiato
在蔓延的銀之世界裡 足跡漸漸消失
The silver world expands, the footprints fade away

降りつづいて 明日が少し 変わるよう
furi tsudzuite asu ga sukoshi kawaru you
雪花一直從天而降 看來明天會變少
Keep on snowing down, and I feel like tomorrow might change a bit

厚い雲の切れ間に 輝く月の明かり
atsui kumo no kirema ni kagayku tsuki no akari
於厚厚雲層裡 月光閃閃發耀
The moonlight sparkles in the rifts between the thick clouds

かじかんでいた指先を 伸ばした
kajikandeita yubisaki o nobashita
I had stretched out my frostbitten fingertips towards them

boku ga todoku you ni
hoping to reach

季節めぐる度に生まれる 新しい僕がいる
kisetsu meguru tabi ni umareru atarashii boku ga iru
當季節輪回之時 全新的我將會誕生
Each time the seasons cycle, a new me is born

乾いた風が運んだ 遠い日々
kawaita kaze ga hakonda tooi hibi
during the far days the parched wind had carried

膨らんではしぼんでいった 悩みの種をひとつ
fukurande wa shibondeittta nayami no tane o hitotsu
When I peek into a single seed of worry

覗き込むと それはただ愛しい
nozoki komu to sore wa tada itoshii
看著它時 只覺可愛
that shriveled up upon growing, it's simply just lovely

samui yoru kara mezameru toki ni
從寒冷的夜裡 醒來的一瞬間
When waking up from cool, chilly nights

寄り添える温もり 残した
yori soeru nukumori nokoshita
殘留下 一絲 可依靠著的溫暖
I left behind a warmth that I could snuggle up to

潤う瞳が写した 忘れたい記憶を
uruou hitomi ga utsushita wasuretai kioku o
When I speak about the memories I want to forget

語りかけて 聞こえぬようにこっそりと
katari kakete kikoenu you ni kossori to
溼潤的雙眼悄悄地流出了眼淚 以便他人聽不見
that my watery eyes project, I do it discreetly so nobody can hear

見渡す限り広がる 星の海が溶かした
mi watasu kagiri hirogaru hoshi no umi ga tokashita
When the sea of stars that stretches as far as the eye can see

次に出逢う頃にはもう 新しい
tsugi ni de au koro ni wa mou atarashii
我們下次的偶遇之時 全新的你
has melted the next time we meet, there will already be

kimi ga soko ni wa iru
a new you there

すれ違った人影 いつかの冬 重ねた
sure chigatta hitokage itsu ka no fuyu kasaneta
擦身而過的人影重叠於 某日的冬天
The shadows of people that passed each other added to someday's winter

いつまでも いつまでも 見つめてた
itsu made mo itsu made mo mitsumeteta
永生永世 一直凝視著它
I've always, and always witnessed it

厚い雲の切れ間に 輝く月の明かり
atsui kumo no kirema ni kagayku tsuki no akari
於厚厚雲層裡 月光閃閃發耀
The moonlight sparkles in the rifts between the thick clouds

かじかんでいた指先を 伸ばした
kajikandeita yubisaki o nobashita
I had stretched out my frostbitten fingertips towards them

boku ga todoku you ni
hoping to reach

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