
2017/12/02 524 0 視覺化 , 東方Vocal , 歌詞 ,

嗨!這是我們第243部視覺化、第223部東方Vocal影片,長度約5分鐘,希望您能喜歡!這次翻譯C82歌曲!此曲為專輯「幻想世界 the Star Seeker」第三軌。附日文、日文羅馬拼音、中文、English字幕,翻譯部分意思可能與原意有所誤差。
Hi! This is our 243th visualization, 223th Touhou Vocal video with a length of about 5 minutes, hope you like it! This is a translation of a C82 song, the third track of the album "幻想世界 the Star Seeker". The video includes Japanese, Japanese Romanization, Traditional Chinese and English Subtitles. Translation might be different from its original meaning.

This channel has no profit-making behavior. If there are any need for improvement, feel free to leave a message for us. Please let us know if it is inappropriate, we will delete the video on time, thanks!
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♫ 歌曲紹介/歌曲資訊/Introduction:星降る夜のラピス / 繁星降臨之夜的青金石 / The Starry Night's Lapis
♫ オリジナル/原曲/Original:鳥船遺跡 ~ Trojan Green Asteroid. 《トロヤ群の密林》
♫ 中譯/Chinese Traditional Translation:天宫冥子
♫ 英譯/English Translation:Releska https://releska.wordpress.com/2015/03/16/星降る夜のラピス-the-starry-nights-lapis/
♫ PV:冰淇淋 ‧ Bing Qilin
♫ 發布/Release:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
♫ サークル/社團/Circle:TUMENECO http://shoyu-sound.jp/tumeneco/
♫ アルバム/專輯/Album:2012-08-11 (C82) TUMENECO - 幻想世界 the Star Seeker http://tumeneco.shoyu-sound.jp/theStarSeeker/
♫ アレンジ/編曲/Arrange:tomoya https://twitter.com/TUMENECO
♫ リリック/作詞/Lyric:Jell (GET IN THE RING) https://twitter.com/Bluesky_Edition
♫ ヴォーカル/歌手/Vocal:みぃ (GET IN THE RING) https://twitter.com/miemum
♫ 画像/圖片/Image:dairi https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4920496
♫ 背景画像/背景圖片/Background image:https://unsplash.com/photos/Ekl9AXrY5-0

✎ 製作/Maker:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MengYueHD/
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Google+:https://plus.google.com/b/102321267020979616294/+mnyue
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✎ 更多東方音樂/More Touhou Music:https://mnya.tw/ms/word/category/touhou

♪ 歌詞/Lyric:

夜を幾つ越える度に 二人どこまで来たの
yoru wo ikutsu koeru tabi ni futari doko made kita no
每當越過無數夜晚時 我就想我們來到了哪裡呢
Upon crossing over countless nights, I wonder how far the two of us have come.

扉越しの世界では不思議 いつも同じ服
tobiragoshi no sekai de wa fushigi itsumo onaji fuku
門外的世界 十分不可思議 總是穿著一樣的衣服
Marvels lie in the world beyond the door, wearing the same clothes.

夜を翔けて辿り着いた 二人きりの真実
yoru wo kakete tadori tsuita futarikiri no shinjitsu
翺翔於夜空 抵達只有我們兩人所知的真相
There's a truth that just the two of us finally arrived at, after flying through the night.

形のない傷痕に触れて 指でなぞってみて...みて
katachi no nai kizuato ni furete yubi de nazotte mite...mite
觸碰著自己無形的傷痕 試著以你手指沿著疤痕觸及它吧...它吧
Touch my scar, which has no form – try and trace around it with your fingers… fingers…

空はまるで 壊れそうなラピス
sora wa marude kowaresou na rapisu
這片天空 仿如一塊看似碎掉的青金石
The sky is just like a fragile lapis.

君と 並び歩くだけじゃ
kimi to narabi aruku dake ja
我只是和你 一起走而已
I'm just walking together in line with you.

totemo bouken to yobenai
You can't really call it an adventure…

だから とりあえず手を繋ごうか
dakara toriaezu te wo tsunagou ka
所以 我們就暫且攜手共行好嗎
So, for now, shall we hold hands?

nee... ...hoshi ga kirei
Hey… the stars are pretty.

所以 我們就令其成真吧!
So, let's make it happen!

物語を始めましょう ここからは
monogatari wo hajime mashou koko kara wa
我們的故事開始了 從現在開始
Let's start our story – from here

私達の時間よ 楽しめそう
watashitachi no jikan yo tanoshimesou
就是我們的時間喲 看起來挺好玩的
It's our time! It looks like we can have fun…

夜を染める月の下で 二人確かめ合おう
yoru wo someru tsuki no shita de futari tashikame aou
在渲染夜空的明月下 我們一起確認它吧
Beneath the moon, which dyes the night, let's make sure of each other.

流れ落ちる一筋の 彼方熔けてしまいそう
nagareochiru hitosuji no kanata toketeshimaisou
一線光芒一閃而落 似乎溶於遙遠彼方
A beam of light runs off – it looks like it wound up dissolving in the distance…

夜が終わるその時には 二人じゃなきゃ駄目なの
yoru ga owaru sono toki ni wa futari ja nakya dame na no
夜幕結束之時 我們不得不離開彼此嗎
Mustn't we be together when the night ends?

踏みしめた靴の下で 星のはじける音が鳴る...鳴る
fumi shimeta kutsu no shita de hoshi no hajikeru oto ga naru...naru
在踩爛了的鞋底下 繁星破滅之聲響起來...響起來
Beneath my shoes, worn hard from walking, the sounds of bursting stars ring… ring…

それは 静かに漂い...酔い
sore wa shizuka ni tadayoi...yoi
They calmly drift along… it's intoxicating.

響かせてくメロディ ルリララ...
hibikaseteku merodi rurirara…
讓那旋律不斷地回響似的 嚕哩啦啦...
Let that melody resound – lu li la la…

もしかして今 目が覚めたなら
moshikashite ima me ga sameta nara
或許 若我現在就醒來的話
If, perchance, I were to open my eyes now,

uragaeshi no watashi wa doko?
Where would my reverse self be?

――kitto, kimi no tonari ni, iru.
——她一定 在你身旁
――Surely, I'd be right beside you.

所以 我們就令其成真吧!
So, let's make it happen!

物語を始めましょう 何度でも
monogatari wo hajime mashou nandodemo
我們的故事開始了 不論多少次
Let's start our story – no matter how many times,

私達の時間を 繰り返そう
watashitachi no jikan wo kurikaesou
讓我們 重複在一起的時間吧
Let's repeat our time together!

夜を幾つ越えて来たか  二人覚えているの
yoru wo ikutsu koete kita ka futari oboeteiru no
你記得我們 攜手越過了多少夜晚呢
Do you remember how many nights we crossed over together?

扉越しの世界から 不思議 懐かしい声ね
tobiragoshi no sekai kara fushigi natsukashii koe ne
從門外的世界 傳來既不可思議又令人懷念的聲音呢
From the world beyond the door comes a mysterious, nostalgic voice.

夜はやがて夢と変わる 二人見ていた夢へ
yoru wa yagate yume to kawaru futari miteita yume e
夜幕終究會 變成我們兩人一同看到的夢境
Before long, this night will change – together with this dream – towards the dream the two of us were having.

交わらない銀河の果て 明日をいつまでも探して...して
majiwaranai ginga no hate asu wo itsu made mo sagashite...shite
在互不相交的銀河盡頭 我們永遠地尋找著明天...明天
At the edge of the non-intersecting Milky Way, we search for tomorrow forever… forever…

空は 君の瞳映すラピス
sora wa kimi no hitomi utsusu rapisu
這片天空 是映在你眼裡的青金石
The sky is a lapis, reflected in your eyes.

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