【東方Vocal】暁Records|DOWN DOWN DOLL【中日English附詞】

2017/11/06 1,090 0 東方Vocal , 歌詞 , ,

這次翻譯C90歌曲!此曲為專輯「DOWN DOWN DOLL -to the beginning 07-」第一軌。附日文、日文羅馬拼音、中文、English歌詞,翻譯部分意思可能與原意有所誤差。
This is a translation of a C90 song, the first track of the album "DOWN DOWN DOLL -to the beginning 07-". The article includes Japanese, Japanese Romanization, Traditional Chinese and English Lyrics. Translation might be different from its original meaning.

♫ 歌曲紹介/歌曲資訊/Introduction:DOWN DOWN DOLL / 墮落人偶
♫ オリジナル/原曲/Original:
╠ 東方妖妖夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. 《人形裁判 ~ 人の形弄びし少女》
╚ 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object. 《ブクレシュティの人形師》
♫ 中譯/Chinese Traditional Translation:天宫冥子
♫ 英譯/English Translation:Fuyuko https://fuyutora.wordpress.com/2016/06/25/down-down-doll/
♫ 發布/Release:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
♫ サークル/社團/Circle:暁Records http://akatsuki-records.com/
♫ アルバム/專輯/Album:2016-08-13 (C90) 暁Records - DOWN DOWN DOLL -to the beginning 07- http://akatsuki-records.com/drcd0014.html
♫ アレンジ/編曲/Arrange:ACTRock https://twitter.com/act_rock
♫ リリック/作詞/Lyric:ACTRock https://twitter.com/act_rock
♫ ヴォーカル/歌手/Vocal:Stack https://twitter.com/Stack_Akatsuki

✎ 製作/Maker:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MengYueHD/
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Google+:https://plus.google.com/b/102321267020979616294/+mnyue
✎ 萌芽網頁-萌芽系列網站入口網 ‧ Mnya Series Website Home:https://mnya.tw/
✎ 萌芽音樂網 ‧ Mnya Music Website:https://mnya.tw/ms/
✎ 更多視覺化音樂/More Effects Music:https://mnya.tw/ms/word/category/effects
✎ 更多東方音樂/More Touhou Music:https://mnya.tw/ms/word/category/touhou

♪ 歌詞/Lyric:

やがて落ちてゆく 原初のページ始まりAct
yagate ochite yuku gensho no peeji hajimari Act
終究墜入深淵 化為原始之頁 開幕之初
At last, I'm falling down. The first page, the beginning act

次第に動き出す 引き返せない永久の Story
shidai ni ugokidasu hikikaesenai towa no Story
不可回首的悠久故事 逐漸向前邁進
It gradually starts to advance. This irreversible eternal story

奈落の底落ちて Down Down Doll
naraku no soko ochite Down Down Doll
墮落人偶 慢慢落入奈落之底
Falling to the bottom of the abyss. Down Down Doll

操れDoll 巻き添いのSquall きっと落ちて行くよ
ayatsure Doll makizoi no Squall kitto ochiteiku yo
操控人偶 牽連著衆人捲入這場風暴 這必定會令我墮入其中
Manipulated doll. An entangled squall. It will surely fall, so

だから許してGirl ごめんね You 絡まってゆく Maze
dakara yurushite Girl gomen ne You karamatte yuku Maze
所以請你原諒我吧 我對不起你 因為你被我纏在這迷宮之中
Forgive me girl, sorry to you. Getting caught in the maze

ねぇ、これが罪? 私のせい 元に戻れない Soul
nee, kore ga tsumi? watashi no sei moto ni modorenai Soul
喂 這是罪孽嗎?這靈魂無法回復原狀 都是因為我
Tell me, is this sin? It's my fault. This soul can't return to its original state

開け魔界の Voice グリモワール 解き放ちたい
ake makai no Voice gurimowaaru tokihanachitai
魔界之聲開嗓喊出 我好想解開這魔導書啊
Voice of Makai, open up. My grimoire, I want to release it

指先で自由に蠢く Doll それはわたし?
yubisaki de jiyuu ni ugomeku Doll sore wa watashi?
指尖間活動自如的人偶 會是我嗎?
The doll squirming freely at my fingertips. Could that be me?

それが願った唯一の Make
sore ga negatta yuiitsu no Make
這是我所祈願的 獨一無二的創作
It's the unique creation I desired

そして、落ちてゆく 指に絡まる繋いだ Slave
soshite, ochite yuku yubi ni karamaru tsunaida Slave
然後繼續墜落下去 環繞於指間的奴隸
And now, falling down. The slave tied to my fingers

それは Soul 私自身 引き返せない永久の Story
sore wa Soul watashi jishin hikikaesenai towa no Story
是自己的靈魂 不可回首的悠久故事
It is a soul, my own. An irreversible eternal story

奈落の底落ちて Down Down Doll
naraku no soko ochite Down Down Doll
墮落人偶 慢慢落入奈落之底
Falling to the bottom of the abyss. Down Down Doll

解けた Thread ねえ Down Down Doll 落ち続けていくよ
hidoketa sureddo nee Down Down Doll ochi tsudzukete iku yo
絲線解開 喂 墮落人偶 繼續墮入無盡深淵吧
The thread came untied. Now, down down doll is continuing to fall down

Do you know? そんなの No? 触れないで 抗えない運命
Do you know? sonna no No? afurenai de aragaenai unmei
你知道嗎?你在説不嗎?不要接觸這 不可抵抗的命運
Do you know? Is that a no? Never touch the inevitable fate

吊り下げられる私 逆さに見える顔 この身を守る唯一の戦士
tsurisagerareru watashi sakasa ni mieru kao kono mi wo mamoru yuiitsu no senshi
懸掛於半空中的我 看見顛倒的顔容 是守護此軀 唯一的戰士
I am hung suspended in the air and see the upside down face. The sole warrior protecting my being

永久に落ちてゆく 列をくみかざす針の Blade
towa ni ochite yuku retsu o kumi kazesu hari no Blade
永遠墜入這 無底深淵 銀針之刃 並列成一排
Falling down, eternally. The needle's blade strings it together

体に絡みつく ああ Realな恋身を焦がして
karada ni karamitsuku aa Real na koi mi o kogashite
纏繞著我的身體 啊啊 真愛灼燒此軀
Coiling around my body. Ah, real love, scorch my being

それはSoul 自分自身の My Curse Doll
sore wa Soul jibun jishin no My Curse Doll
那就是我的靈魂 詛咒自己的巫毒人偶
That is my soul, my very own curse doll

Down Down Doll この手で確かに触れている
Down Down Doll kono te de tashika ni fureteiru
墮落人偶 確實以這只手觸碰到
Down Down Doll! – I must be feeling it with my own hands

Spell to Cruse 絡まる糸操れなて
Spell to Curse karamaru ito ayatsurenate
魔法成咒 操弄糾纏不清的線條
Spell to Curse! – Manipulating the coiling threads

Down Down Doll ああ…これが罪だ私は…
Down Down Doll aa… kore ga tsumi da watashi wa…
墮落人偶 啊啊...這是罪孽啊 我...
Down Down Doll! – Ah… this is sin, I am…

Curse my Heart! 生まれ変わり目に焼きつく
Curse my Heart! umarekawari me ni yakitsuku
Curse my heart! – The day of my rebirth, it's scorched into me

落ちてくからそれでもまだ 私はまだ 私でまだ いたいの
ochiteku kara sore demo mada watashi wa mada watashi de mada itai no
既然我在墜落 即便如此 我 我依然 我依然想作為自己存於世上
Since I'm falling, even then, still.. I still want, want to exist as myself

それが願った唯一の Make
sore ga negatta yuiitsu no Make
這是我所祈願的 獨一無二的創作
It's the unique creation I desired

そして、落ちてゆく 指に絡まる繋いだ Slave
soshite, ochite yuku yubi ni karamaru tsunaida Slave
然後繼續墜落下去 環繞於指間的奴隸
And now, falling down. The slave tied to my fingers

それは Soul 私自身 引き返せない永久の Story
sore wa Soul watashi jishin hikikaesenai towa no Story
是自己的靈魂 不可回首的悠久故事
It is a soul, my own. An irreversible eternal story

やがて落ちてゆく 原初のページ始まりAct
yagate ochite yuku gensho no peeji hajimari Act
終究墜入深淵 化為原始之頁 開幕之初
At last, I'm falling down. The first page, the beginning act

次第に動き出す 引き返せない永久の Story
shidai ni ugokidasu hikikaesenai towa no Story
不可回首的悠久故事 逐漸向前邁進
It gradually starts to advance. This irreversible eternal story

奈落の底落ちて Down Down Doll
naraku no soko ochite Down Down Doll
墮落人偶 慢慢落入奈落之底
Falling to the bottom of the abyss. Down Down Doll

♪ Note (By Fuyuko):

魔界 (Makai) – Literally demon world.

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