ᴴᴰ⁶⁰【東方Vocal】SOUND HOLIC|アカシビト【中日English附詞】

2019/07/14 516 0 視覺化 , 東方Vocal , 歌詞 ,

嗨!這是我們第303部視覺化、第282部東方Vocal影片,長度約4分鐘,希望您能喜歡!😊 這次翻譯博麗神社例大祭16新歌!此曲為專輯「令和 -REIWA-」第五軌。附日文、日文羅馬拼音、中文、English字幕,翻譯部分意思可能與原意有所誤差。
Hi! This is our 303th visualization, 282th Touhou Vocal video with a length of about 4 minutes, hope you like it! 😊 This is a translation of a Reitaisai 16 new song, the 5th track of the album "令和 -REIWA-". The video includes Japanese, Japanese Romanization, Traditional Chinese and English Subtitles. Translation might be different from its original meaning.

This channel has no profit-making behavior. If there are any need for improvement, feel free to leave a message for us. Please let us know if it is inappropriate, we will delete the video on time, thanks!
Please do not Re-upload or Re-create our video! Thanks!

♫ 歌曲紹介/歌曲資訊/Introduction:アカシビト / 證人 / witness
♫ オリジナル/原曲/Original:東方鈴奈庵 ~ Forbidden Scrollery. 《判読眼のビブロフィリア》
♫ 中譯/Chinese Traditional Translation:天宫冥子
♫ 英譯/English Translation:天宫冥子
♫ PV:冰淇淋 ‧ Bing Qilin
♫ 發布/Release:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
♫ サークル/社團/Circle:SOUND HOLIC http://www.sound-holic.com/
♫ アルバム/專輯/Album:2019-05-05 (博麗神社例大祭16) SOUND HOLIC - 令和 -REIWA- http://www.sound-holic.com/rts16/work/work02.html
♫ アレンジ/編曲/Arrange:709sec. https://twitter.com/709sec_SH
♫ リリック/作詞/Lyric:,yumi
♫ ヴォーカル/歌手/Vocal:709sec. https://twitter.com/709sec_SH
♫ 画像/圖片/Image:dairi https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4920496
♫ 背景画像/背景圖片/Background image:https://unsplash.com/photos/-G3rw6Y02D0

✎ 製作/Maker:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MengYueHD/
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Telegram:https://t.me/mnyue
✎ 萌芽網頁-萌芽系列網站入口網 ‧ Mnya Series Website Home:https://mnya.tw/
✎ 萌芽音樂網 ‧ Mnya Music Website:https://mnya.tw/ms/
✎ 更多視覺化音樂/More Effects Music:https://mnya.tw/ms/word/category/effects
✎ 更多東方音樂/More Touhou Music:https://mnya.tw/ms/word/category/touhou

♪ 歌詞/Lyric:

果てしない願い 尽きぬ祈り 風に乗せ届け
hateshinai negai tsukinu inori kaze ni nose todoke
無窮的願望 無盡的祈禱 乘風傳達於你
Never-ending wishes and endless prayers ride upon the winds, reaching you

遥か遥か 遠い昔に 生まれた言の葉
haruka haruka tooi mukashi ni umareta kotonoha
誕生自遙遠過去的 言辭語句
Words born from the distant past

儚い命 乗せた船は 川を流れゆく
hakanai inochi noseta fune wa kawa o nagare yuku
乘載短暫生命的船隻 隨川而流
Boat with a fleeting life above flows down the river

ゆらり揺られ 映る景色を 心に刻んで
yurari yurare utsuru keshiki o kokoro ni kizande
將於搖擺不定中映出的景色 銘刻於心
Etch the scenery reflected upon fluctuation in my mind

aoki tsuki ga michireba
If the pale moon waxes

owari tsugeru kane no ne ga hibiku
告知終結的鐘聲 則會響起
Chimes that announce the end will rung

幾千の記憶 夢を紡ぎ
ikusen no kioku yume o tsumugi
成千上萬的記憶 編織出夢想
Thousands of memories spin out dreams

mekurumeku yo no maku ga aku
Curtains of a dazzling age opens

さあ 鳴らせ 心のままに 時代の証人
saa narase kokoro no mama ni jidai no akashibito
隨心所欲地響徹吧 時代的證人
Ring to your heart's content, witness of an age

錆びついた言葉 胸に抱いて
sabitsuita kotoba mune ni idaite
將佈滿鏽跡的言辭 懷抱於心中
Bear rust-covered words in mind

saihate made mo tabi o suru
Travel even upon the furthest ends​

嗚呼 永久に廻る世界へ 歴史を捧ぐ
aa towa ni mawaru sekai e rekishi o sasagu
啊啊 前往永遠循環往復的世界 獻出歷史
Ahh, head towards the world circling around forever, and give out history

揺るぎない決意 燃える魂 闇を照らしぬけ
yuruginai ketsui moeru tamashii yami o terashinuke
毫不動搖的決心 燃燒的靈魂 照耀了黑暗
Unshakable determination and a burning soul illuminates the dark

遥か遥か 遠い過去から 光る星のように
haruka haruka tooi kako kara hikaru hoshi no you ni
如同一顆從遙遠過去就閃耀的 明亮之星
As if a star that shines from the distant past

零れ落ちた 涙ひとつ 空に還るまで
koboreochita namida hitotsu sora ni kaeru made
直至一滴灑落出的眼淚 歸還蒼穹
Until a drop of tear spilled out return to the skies

出会い別れ また巡り逢う 約束の場所で
deai wakare mata meguriau yakusoku no basho de
彼此會相遇離別 後又再次相逢 在約定之地裡
We'll encounter, separate, and meet each other again at the promised place

kaoru usubeni no hana
Fragrant light pink flowers

tori no mure ga hajimari o utau
A flock of birds sings the beginning

幾千の夜を 越えて踊れ
ikusen no yoru o koete odore
越過成千上萬個夜晚 載歌載舞
Dance beyond thousands of nights

mekurumeku yo no katasumi de
At a corner of this dazzling world

さあ 叫べ 力の限り 時代の証人
saa sakebe chikara no kagiri jidai no akashibito
用盡全力嘶吼吧 時代的證人
Scream out with all your might, witness of an age

遮二無二 生きる 意味も理由も
shanimuni ikiru imi mo wake mo
不顧一切地活著 即便不知
Live recklessly, even without a meaning or reason

shirazu samayoi tsuzuketemo
其意義和理由地 繼續徘徊
And continue to wander around

嗚呼 強く清き刹那が 歴史を変える
aa tsuyoku kiyoki setsuna ga rekishi o kaeru
啊啊 清澈無比的刹那間 改變了歷史
Ahh, this speckless clean instant changes history

そう 続く物語は (time will go on)
sou tsuzuku monogatari wa (time will go on)
是的 故事會延續下去 (時間將會推移)
Yes, the story goes on (time will go on)

さあ 挑め 時は来たれり (time to go)
saa idome toki wa kitareri (time to go)
挑戰吧 時機已到 (是時候了)
Come on, time has come (time to go)

幾千の記憶 夢を紡ぎ
ikusen no kioku yume o tsumugi
成千上萬的記憶 編織出夢想
Thousands of memories spin out dreams

mekurumeku yo no maku ga aku
Curtains of a dazzling age opens

さあ 鳴らせ 心のままに 時代の証人
saa narase kokoro no mama ni jidai no akashibito
隨心所欲地響徹吧 時代的證人
Ring to your heart's content, witness of an age

錆びついた言葉 胸に抱いて
sabitsuita kotoba mune ni idaite
將佈滿鏽跡的言辭 懷抱於心中
Bear rust-covered words in mind

saihate made mo tabi o suru
Travel even upon the furthest ends​

嗚呼 永久に廻る世界へ 歴史を捧ぐ
aa towa ni mawaru sekai e rekishi o sasagu
啊啊 前往永遠循環往復的世界 獻出歷史
Ahh, head towards the world circling around forever, and give out history

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