ᴴᴰ⁶⁰【東方Vocal】紺碧Studio|Doubt & Trust【中日English附詞】【PV】

2017/10/20 2,980 0 視覺化 , 東方Vocal , 歌詞 ,

嗨!這是我們第240部視覺化、第220部東方Vocal影片,長度約5分鐘,希望您能喜歡!這次翻譯博麗神社秋季例大祭4歌曲!此曲為專輯「Doubt & Trust」第三軌。附日文、日文羅馬拼音、中文、English字幕,翻譯部分意思可能與原意有所誤差。
Hi! This is our 240th visualization, 220th Touhou Vocal video with a length of about 5 minutes, hope you like it! This is a translation of a Autumn Reitaisai 4 song, the third track of the album "Doubt & Trust". The video includes Japanese, Japanese Romanization, Traditional Chinese and English Subtitles. Translation might be different from its original meaning.

This channel has no profit-making behavior. If there are any need for improvement, feel free to leave a message for us. Please let us know if it is inappropriate, we will delete the video on time, thanks!
Please do not Re-upload or Re-create our video! Thanks!

♫ 歌曲紹介/歌曲資訊/Introduction:Doubt & Trust / 懷疑與信任
♫ オリジナル/原曲/Original:
╠ 東方地靈殿~ Subterranean Animism. 《ハルトマンの妖怪少女》
╚ 東方地靈殿~ Subterranean Animism. 《少女さとり 〜 3rd eye》
♫ 中譯/Chinese Traditional Translation:天宫冥子
♫ 英譯/English Translation:天宫冥子
♫ 字幕/Subtitle:冰淇淋 ‧ Bing Qilin
♫ 發布/Release:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
♫ サークル/社團/Circle:紺碧Studio http://www.konpeki-studio.com/
♫ アルバム/專輯/Album:2017-10-15 (博麗神社秋季例大祭4) 紺碧Studio - Doubt & Trust http://www.konpeki-studio.com/kpcd006
♫ アレンジ/編曲/Arrange:タロー
♫ リリック/作詞/Lyric:栃栗毛
♫ ヴォーカル/歌手/Vocal:謎の人物K https://twitter.com/KEI_nazo
♫ イラスト/插圖/illustration:にわし https://twitter.com/niwashin888
♫ 動画/動畫/Animation:カフウ https://youtu.be/JMOiyUA26Lk & https://twitter.com/CafuuMV

✎ 製作/Maker:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MengYueHD/
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Google+:https://plus.google.com/b/102321267020979616294/+mnyue
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♪ 歌詞/Lyric:

torawareta mama no kokoro ga 'gucha gucha' to fukaina oto o tatete
This captured heart made unpleasant “sloppy” sounds

地の果てまで響き渡るような 感覚のパラノイア
chi no hate made hibiki wataru youna kankaku no paranoia
如同迴響至地底深處的 偏執情緒
Like a sensual paranoia that reverberates until the furthest ends of the earth

疑う罪がまた幾重にも 心が苛まれ蝕んでく
utagau tsumi ga mata ikuma nimo kokoro ga sainamare mushibandeku
懷疑之罪再次反復無常地 侵蝕著我受盡折磨的心靈
The sin of suspicion once again repeatedly torture and eat away my mind

もう何も考えられない 信じられないほどに
mou nan mo kangaerarenai shinjirarenai hodo ni
早已變得無法想象 難以置信
And I already can't think or believe in anything

心の中 見えちゃうけど 仕方ないね 見えちゃうから
kokoro no naka miechau kedo shikatanai ne miechau kara
即使能看見心中事物 也無可奈可 但既然也看到了
Though I can see your heart, that can't be helped, but since I saw it

saa, honban no hajimari desu ne
來吧 表演正式開始了呢
Now, the show has officially started

nemuke samashi ni torauma wa...... ikaga?
How does the trauma that awakes in your drowsiness…...Feel?

心を読める私から 貴方へと贈る 秘密のプレゼント
kokoro wo yomeru watashi kara anata he to okuru himitsu no purezento
擁有讀心術的我贈予你 秘密的禮物
The mind reading me give you a secret present

秘密ダケド 内緒ダケド バラシテモイイ?バラシチャウヨ?
himitsu dakedo naisho dakedo hanashi temoii? hanashi chau yo?
雖說這是個秘密 但我能泄露它嗎?要揭穿它嗎?
Although it's a secret, can I spill it out? Shall I reveal it?

コレデ、理解アエル?…ナンテ ヨク言エルワ ヒドイワ
kore de, rikai aeru?... nante yoku ieru wa hidoi wa
有了這 就能理解它嗎?...要怎樣才能解釋清楚啊 好恐怖呀
With this, am I able to realize it? How should I say it well, that's awful

瞬きすれば此処はDoubt&Trust 交錯る意識以心伝心
mabataki sureba koko wa Doubt & Trust majiwaru ishiki ishindenshin
如果你眨了下眼睛的話 就是在這裡半信半疑 互相交錯的意識心領神會
If you blinked your eyes, you Doubt & Trust in it, the telepathy of our entangled consciousness tells that

回答は既に把握済みだよ だって心、覗いてからね
kotae wa sudeni haaku zumi da yo datte kokoro, nozoite kara ne
我早已知道答案喲 因為我偷看了你的心呢
I already know the answer, because I peeked into your heart

嫌われ者もそれなりにね 心が傷ついちゃうの
kiraware mono mo sore nari ni ne kokoro ga kizutsuichau no
看到連被嫌棄的人們變得如此我行我素 傷害了我的心
Seeing even those being hated being in their own ways hurts my heart

はなから嫌われちゃう運命なら アレコレ曝け出しちゃいましょう
hana kara kirawarechau unmei nara are kore sarakeda shichai ma shou
若這是從離別開始就被人討厭的命運的話 那就暴露這個拆穿那個吧
If that's my fate which starts from being separated from others, I'll expose this and that

anata wa omoishiru koto deshou
You know that right

心の中 見えちゃうけど 仕方ないね 見えちゃうから
kokoro no naka miechau kedo shikatanai ne miechau kara
即使能看見心中事物 也無可奈可 但既然也看到了
Though I can see your heart, that can't be helped, but since I saw it

心を覗いても 何にも
kokoro o nozoite mo nan ni mo
即使偷看著你的心 裡面的一切也
Even if I peeped into your heart, everything in it

良いことなんてない だから瞑る
ii koto nante nai dakara tsumuru
沒什麼好東西看 所以我就無視了它
Has nothing good inside, so I closed my eyes ignored it

心を閉ざした私は 無意識の領域 何処までも深く
kokoro o tozashita watashi wa muishiki no ryouiki doko made mo fukaku
封閉了心靈的我 於無意識的領域之中 在深淵無處不在
With my mind shut, I'm in anywhere deep inside the unconscious region

見ラレルケド 見タクナイヨ 心 視覚 聽覺モ トジテ
mirareru kedo mitakunai yo kokoro hitomi mimi mo tojite
看得見它 卻不想看到它 閉上心靈 合上雙眼 掩住耳朵
Although I can see it, I don't want to, close my heart, shut my eyes and ears

コレデ、理解アエル?…ナンテ ヨク言エルワ イジワル
kore de, rikai aeru?... nante yoku ieru wa ijiwaru
有了這 就能理解它嗎?...要怎樣才能解釋清楚啊 你這壞心眼的
With this, are you able to realize it? How should I say it well, you meanie

瞬きすれば此処はDoubt&Trust 交錯る意識以心伝心
mabataki sureba koko wa Doubt & Trust majiwaru ishiki ishindenshin
如果你眨了下眼睛的話 就是在這裡半信半疑 互相交錯的意識心領神會
If you blinked your eyes, you Doubt & Trust in it, the telepathy of our entangled consciousness tells that

回答は既に把握済みでしょ? いやいや、心閉じてるから
kotae wa sudeni haaku zumi desho? iya iya, kokoro tojiteru kara
我早已知道答案嗎?不對喲 因為我的心早已封閉了
I already know the answer? Nope, because my heart is closed

何か失うことで何か 新しいものを得ると言う
nani ka ushinau koto de nani ka atarashii mono o eru to iu
不知為何他們說 失去某些事物就能獲得新事物
They say that somehow by losing something, you'll obtain new things

犧牲的な思考回路から 学んだ私の生き様は 嫌われ者の哲学だね
giseitekina shikou kairo kara mananda watashi no iki sama wa kiraware mono no tetsugaku da ne
因犧牲思考回路 從而學會自己的生活方式 是被厭惡者們的哲學呢
From my sacrificial train of thought, I learnt to live my own way, it's the philosophy of those being disliked

信じる心が裏返り 今、疑う心が表になる
shinjiru kokoro ga uragaeri ima, utagau kokoro ga omote ni naru
所信之心背叛了自己 疑心如今浮露於表面
With the heart I believed in turned inside out, my distrusting heart now appears on the surface

沸々と湧き上がる この得体の知られない何かが
butsubutsu to waki agaru kono etai no shirarenai nani ka ga
有東西變得沸騰起來 這不可理解的事物是什麼啊
Something then simmers and gushed up, what's this incomprehensible thing

秘密ダケド 内緒ダケド バラシテモイイ?バラシチャウヨ?
himitsu dakedo naisho dakedo hanashi temoii? hanashi chau yo?
雖説這是個秘密 但我能泄露它嗎?要揭穿它嗎?
Although it's a secret, can I spill it out? Shall I reveal it?

心ノナカ 視覚ノナカ 聽覺ナカモ 開放シテデキナ
kokoro no naka hitomi no naka mimi naka mo kaihou shite deki na
打開内心 睜開雙眼 竪起耳朵 釋放一切
Open up my heart, eyes and ears to release everything in it

瞬きすれば此処はDoubt&Trust 交錯る意識以心伝心
mabataki sureba koko wa Doubt & Trust majiwaru ishiki ishindenshin
如果你眨了下眼睛的話 就是在這裡半信半疑 互相交錯的意識心領神會
If you blinked your eyes, you Doubt & Trust in it, the telepathy of our entangled consciousness tells that

回答は既に把握済みでも それを選ぶのは私たち
kotae wa sudeni haaku zumi de mo sore o erabu no wa watashi tachi
即使早已知道答案 選擇它的人是我們
Even if we know the answer, the ones who choose it is us

嫌われ者もそれなりにね 心が傷ついちゃうの
kiraware mono mo sore nari ni ne kokoro ga kizutsuichau no
看到連被嫌棄的人們變得如此我行我素 傷害了我的心
Seeing even those being hated being in their own ways hurts my heart

はなから嫌われちゃう運命なら アレコレ曝け出しちゃいましょう
hana kara kirawarechau unmei nara are kore sarakeda shichai ma shou
若這是從離別開始就被人討厭的命運的話 那就暴露這個拆穿那個吧
If that's my fate which starts from being separated from others, I'll expose this and that

貴方は思い知ることでしょう 覚悟して
anata wa omoishiru koto deshou kakugoshite
你知道這點吧 覺悟吧
You know that right, be ready

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