2017/08/28 665 0 視覺化 , 東方Vocal , 歌詞 ,

嗨!這是我們第220部視覺化、第200部東方Vocal影片,長度約5分鐘,希望您能喜歡!這次翻譯C92新歌!此曲為專輯「強敵 -LAST BOSS-」第二軌。附日文、日文羅馬拼音、中文、English字幕,翻譯部分意思可能與原意有所誤差。
Hi! This is our 220th visualization, 200th Touhou Vocal video with a length of about 5 minutes, hope you like it! This is a translation of a C92 new song, the second track of the album "強敵 -LAST BOSS-". The video includes Japanese, Japanese Romanization, Traditional Chinese and English Subtitles. Translation might be different from its original meaning.

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♫ 歌曲紹介/歌曲資訊/Introduction:WANNA BE CRAZY PRINCESS / 公主想瘋狂
♫ オリジナル/原曲/Original:東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night. 《竹取飛翔 ~ Lunatic Princess》
♫ 中譯/Chinese Traditional Translation:天宫冥子
♫ 英譯/English Translation:天宫冥子
♫ PV:冰淇淋 ‧ Bing Qilin
♫ 發布/Release:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
♫ サークル/社團/Circle:SOUND HOLIC http://www.sound-holic.com/
♫ アルバム/專輯/Album:2017-08-11 (C92) SOUND HOLIC - 強敵 -LAST BOSS- http://www.sound-holic.com/c92/work/work02.html
♫ アレンジ/編曲/Arrange:MasKaleido x GUCCI
♫ リリック/作詞/Lyric:Nana Takahashi https://twitter.com/NanaTakahashi7
♫ ヴォーカル/歌手/Vocal:Nana Takahashi https://twitter.com/NanaTakahashi7
♫ 画像/圖片/Image:dairi https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4920496
♫ 背景画像/背景圖片/Background image:

✎ 製作/Maker:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MengYueHD/
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Google+:https://plus.google.com/b/102321267020979616294/+mnyue
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♪ 歌詞/Lyric:

chikakute tooi yami ni tojikomerareteita
被關閉進離自己近的 遙遠黑暗
Trapped in the distant darkness that's close to me

amamitsu yoru ni midare saku tsuki no hana
散滿天空 盛開於夜間的月之華
Flowers of the moon that blooms in profusion at night and filled the skies

sarasara nagareru takeyabu no naka kara
Flows smoothly from the bamboo groves

見上げた三日月 泪で煌めき翳んでた
miageta mikazuki namida de kirameki nijindeta
抬頭仰望一彎新月 閃爍不斷的淚水變得黯淡無光
Look up at the crescent moon​ as glimmering tears darkens

ukande wa kieru miyako no kioku tachi
In memories where the vanished city came in my mind

tatoe taisetsu na mono to hikikaete demo
比如説 即便重要之物被替換掉
For example, even if the important thing is exchanged with another

この手で掴むよ そう誓って 狭い籠を飛び出した
kono te de tsukamu yo sou chikatte semai kago o tobidashita
自己發誓會以這隻手 像這樣緊緊握住它 飛出狹窄的鳥籠
I swear that I'll seize it with this hand and jumped out of this narrow cage

不自由な自由なんて要らない 常識を超えて
fujiyuu na jiyuu nante iranai joushiki o koete
我才不需要不自由的自由什麼的 我會超越了常識
Things like an inconvenient freedom is needless, I'll go beyond common sense

Right Now, CRAZY MOON NIGHT 型破りな夢
Right Now, CRAZY MOON NIGHT katayaburina yume
現在 瘋狂的月夜之下 這非常規的夢境
Right Now, CRAZY MOON NIGHT in this unconventional dream

Be Ambitious いつだって
Be Ambitious itsudatte
Be Ambitious for always

おとぎ話のままじゃ 変わらない
otogibanashi no mama ja kawaranai
如童話故事般 靜止不變
It's does not change, just like fairytales

Baby, HURRY UP 加速する時のリズムに乗り
Baby, HURRY UP kasokusuru toki no rizumu ni nori
寶貝 快點吧 乘坐在加速的時之節奏吧
Baby, HURRY UP ride on the rhythm of accelerating time

銀河の果てへ 想い馳せながら
ginga no hate he omoi hase nagara
As my feelings ran towards the end of the galaxy

Crazy Noisy Beat, Dancing on the earth ホントの輝きで
Crazy Noisy Beat, Dancing on the earth honto no kagayaki de
瘋狂的吵鬧節拍 以真正的光芒 於地上起舞
Crazy Noisy Beat, Dancing on the earth with true radiance

Sparkin' Blazin' Beat, Shining forever 魅せてあげるから
Sparkin' Blazin' Beat, Shining forever misete ageru kara
閃亮的熾烈節拍 永遠閃耀著 因為它會令人入迷
Sparkin' Blazin' Beat, Shining forever since it'll fascinate you

疼き出す命 満ち潮の誘惑
uzukidasu inochi michishio no yuuwaku
隱隱作痛的生命 受到滿潮的誘惑
This aching life seduced by full tides of temptation

神秘の力で 今 引き寄せられてく
shinpi no chikara de ima hikiyoserare te ku
現今 被神秘的力量所吸引著
Is now drawn over by this mysterious force

退屈しのぎの遊びだ と 言われても構わないさ
taikutsu shinogi no asobi da to iwarete mo kamawa nai sa
嘴上雖説這遊戲無聊死了 其實也不太在乎
Though I said that it's a boring game, I don't actually care about it

不確かな未来 それもイイね 刺激的な賭け
futashika na mirai sore mo ii ne shigeki teki na kake
這不確定的未來也挺好的 真是個刺激的賭注
This uncertain future is also good, it's an exciting bet

Just Be, CRAZY PRINCESS 過去も脱ぎ捨てて
Just Be, CRAZY PRINCESS kako mo nugisutete
變得瘋狂吧 公主殿下 連過去也捨掉般
Just Be, CRAZY PRINCESS and throw away even the past

Be Majestic 突き進め
Be Majestic tsukisusume
Be Majestic and push forward

おとぎ話のままじゃ 変わらない
otogibanashi no mama ja kawaranai
如童話故事般 靜止不變
It's does not change, just like fairytales

Baby, NO MORE CRY 君は君らしく羽ばたくのさ
Baby, NO MORE CRY kimi wa kimirashiku habataku no sa
寶貝 不要再哭了 做自己好了 拍打雙翅
Baby, NO MORE CRY Be yourself and spread out your wings

銀河の果てへ 想い馳せながら
ginga no hate he omoi hase nagara
As my feelings ran towards the end of the galaxy

Crazy Noisy Beat, Dancing on the earth ホントの輝きで
Crazy Noisy Beat, Dancing on the earth honto no kagayaki de
瘋狂的吵鬧節拍 以真正的光芒 於地上起舞
Crazy Noisy Beat, Dancing on the earth with true radiance

Sparkin' Blazin' Beat, Shining forever 魅せてあげるから
Sparkin' Blazin' Beat, Shining forever misete ageru kara
閃亮的熾烈節拍 永遠閃耀著 因為它會令人入迷
Sparkin' Blazin' Beat, Shining forever since it'll fascinate you

どうせ出来ない と 決めつけて 諭す言葉を憎んだ
douse dekinai to kimetsukete satosu kotoba o nikunda
不論如何也做不出來 下定決心要 憎恨上被警告的諫言
Unable to do anything at any rate, I decided to hate the words I'm admonished by

不可能は可能 信じた時 時空さえ歪む
fukanou wa kanou shinjita toki jikuu sae igamu
不可能即可能 相信的時候 連時空也會歪曲
Impossible is possible, even the spacetime is distorted when I believed in that

Right Now, CRAZY MOON NIGHT 型破りな夢
Right Now, CRAZY MOON NIGHT katayaburina yume
現在 瘋狂的月夜之下 這非常規的夢境
Right Now, CRAZY MOON NIGHT in this unconventional dream

Be Ambitious いつだって
Be Ambitious itsudatte
Be Ambitious for always

おとぎ話のままじゃ 変わらない
otogibanashi no mama ja kawaranai
如童話故事般 靜止不變
It's does not change, just like fairytales

Baby, HURRY UP 加速する時のリズムに乗り
Baby, HURRY UP kasokusuru toki no rizumu ni nori
寶貝 快點吧 乘坐在加速的時之節奏吧
Baby, HURRY UP ride on the rhythm of accelerating time

銀河の果てへ 想い馳せながら
ginga no hate he omoi hase nagara
As my feelings ran towards the end of the galaxy

Crazy Noisy Beat, Dancing on the earth ホントの輝きで
Crazy Noisy Beat, Dancing on the earth honto no kagayaki de
瘋狂的吵鬧節拍 以真正的光芒 於地上起舞
Crazy Noisy Beat, Dancing on the earth with true radiance

Sparkin' Blazin' Beat, Shining forever 魅せてあげるから
Sparkin' Blazin' Beat, Shining forever misete ageru kara
閃亮的熾烈節拍 永遠閃耀著 因為它會令人入迷
Sparkin' Blazin' Beat, Shining forever since it'll fascinate you

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