ᴴᴰ⁶⁰【東方Vocal】SOUND HOLIC|卍ZAKURA【中日English附詞】

2017/06/21 871 0 視覺化 , 東方Vocal , 歌詞 ,

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♫ 歌曲紹介/歌曲資訊/Introduction:卍ZAKURA
♫ オリジナル/原曲/Original:東方妖妖夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom. 《東方妖々夢 ~ Ancient Temple》
♫ 中譯/Chinese Traditional Translation:天宫冥子 (基於 99NeroCake 的中譯)
♫ 英譯/English Translation:Ryuuhou Kagiyama http://kagiyama.threebards.com/doujin/347
♫ PV:冰淇淋 ‧ Bing Qilin
♫ 發布/Release:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
♫ サークル/社團/Circle:SOUND HOLIC http://www.sound-holic.com/
♫ アルバム/專輯/Album:2016-05-08 (博麗神社例大祭13) SOUND HOLIC - 博麗 -HAKUREI- http://www.sound-holic.com/rts13/work/work03.html
♫ アレンジ/編曲/Arrange:lapix
♫ リリック/作詞/Lyric:Nana Takahashi
♫ ヴォーカル/歌手/Vocal:Nana Takahashi
♫ 画像/圖片/Image:dairi https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=40429974
♫ 背景画像/背景圖片/background image:https://www.photock.org/detail/sakura/4811/

✎ 製作/Maker:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MengYueHD/
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♪ 歌詞/Lyric:

< I'll never give way >

< Hah… believe in myself >

胸に炎を 侍道 君がために この命を
mune ni honou o samuraidou kimi ga tame ni kono inochi o
侍者之道燃於心 為君獻上的此命為
The samurai code [1] ablaze in my chest devotes this life to you


Kill or Die, Kill for Dream
為夢生 為夢死

raise ni tsunagaru yume no za o
In the afterlife, I become [2] an interconnecting dream

絶える命 焦がせよ不滅ノ魂
taeru inochi kogase yo fumetsu no tamashii
消散滅絕的生命 燃燒吧不滅之魂
Immortal soul, burn away your dying life!

遥か久遠の昔から ひるむ事無く突き進み
haruka kuon no mukashi kara hirumu koto naku tsukisusumi
從遙遠悠久的舊日往昔 毫不畏縮地衝破一切
Without flinching, pushing through from the far ancient past

ただ あなたの為 一人立ち 欲を断ち Ran for my life
tada anata no tame hitori tachi yoku o tachi Ran for my life
僅僅為您 獨當一面 斬斷七情六欲 拼盡餘生
Just for you, I stood alone, stripped myself of desire, and ran for my life

忘れまじき恩顧を受けた 故に “前に” 常に “前に”
wasuremajiki onko o uketa yue ni “mae ni” tsune ni “mae ni”
浩恩惠顧 永不忘懷 因此務必 經常“勇往直前”
I must not forget the favour I received, therefore I go “forward”, ever “forward”

我こそが真の護り人 Here we go!
ware koso ga shin no mamorihito Here we go!
吾乃維護正直之人 開始吧!
I am a protector of truth, here we go!

me o tojite kokoro no zatsunen furiharai
閉目凝神 徹底擺脫心中雜念
I close my eyes to shake off the wordly desires from my spirit

shirasu no nagare ni oto o kanjiru
唯獨感到 砂石流動響音
and I feel the sound from the flow of white sand

yuruginai omoi wa yatsuzaki ni dekinai
堅信之念 毫不動搖 風雨不改
My unshakable thoughts cannot be torn apart

ikutose mo kizuita ishizue nogotoku
如同經歷無數歲月 鑄造而成的基石般
like a cornerstone built over many years

Two edge 人知れず くる日もくる日も磨き上げ
Two edge hitoshirezu kuru hi mo kuru hi mo migaki age
魂之雙刃 不為人知 日復一日 打磨而成
Two edges unknown to man, polished day after day

Just now 時を待ち 高く振り翳した
Just now toki o machi takaku furikazashita
直至剛才 靜待時機 高高舉起 嶄露頭角
Just now, I waited for the right time, then brandished them up high [3]

Kill or Die, Kill for Dream
為夢生 為夢死

ranse ni kiri saku hana no za o
In troubled times, I become a flower split in two

香る命 咲かせよ不滅ノ魂
kaoru inochi sakaseyo fumetsu no tamashii
芬芳馥鬱之命 綻放吧不滅之魂
Blossom your fragrant life, immortal soul!

Do or Die, Do for You
為您生 為您死

itoshiki anata no katawarate
Beside your beloved

卍桜 貫け侍魂
manji zakura tsuranuke samurai tamashii
古剎櫻下 時刻銘記侍者之魂
stay true to the Manjizakura [4] , samurai soul!

視界が眩むその瞬間 閃光と共に Thunderbolt
shikai ga kuramu sono shunkan senkou to tomo ni Thunderbolt
眩暈視線的一瞬間 雷鳴電閃齊現身
A Thunderbolt dazzles the field of view in that moment with a flash

この身に宿った神の力は 最強
kono mi ni yadotta kami no chikara wa saikyou
眾​​神之力 宿於此軀 無人能敵
The divine power that dwells in this body is the strongest

忘れまじき使命に生きる 故に “強く” もっと “強く”
wasuremajiki shimei ni ikiru yue ni “tsuyoku” motto “tsuyoku”
永世難忘 與生俱來 所負使命 因此得以 越發“強大”
I must not forget the mission I live for, therefore “stronger”, even “stronger”

我こそが影の護り人 The moment of truth
ware koso ga kage no mamorihito The moment of truth
吾乃維護暗影之人 關鍵時刻
I am a protector of shadow, it's the moment of truth

taeshinobi takumi no waza ni akogarete wa
欲得所憧憬 忍耐一切的匠人之技
Longing for the ways of a toughened shinobi [5]

wabi sabi no ougi ni omoi o haseru
以便悟得 寧靜致遠的奧義
I ponder the secrets of wabi-sabi [6]

Too bad 真夜中に 何度も何襲われた
Too bad mayonaka ni nando mo nando osowareta
可惜 子時夜刻 無時無刻 被敵人襲擊
Too bad, I was attacked over and over at midnight

No more これ以上 無駄な情けは要らないのさ
No more kore ijou mudana nasake wa iranai no sa
不可再多憐憫便為累贅 不顧一屑
No more, this is the end, I have no more need for mercy

Kill or Die, Kill for Dream
為夢生 為夢死

raise ni tsunagaru yume no za o
In the afterlife, I become an interconnecting dream

絶える命 焦がせよ不滅ノ魂
taeru inochi kogase yo fumetsu no tamashii
消散滅絕的生命 燃燒吧不滅之魂
Immortal soul, burn away your dying life!

Do or Die, Do for All
為皆生 為皆死

itsukushiki inazuma ni tsunagitare
慈悲閃電 與己相連
Be struck by the merciful lightning

卍桜 目醒めよ侍魂
manji zakura mezameyo samurai tamashii
古剎櫻下 覺醒吧侍者之魂
and awaken the Manjizakura, samurai soul!

<I'll gladly go with you >
<心甘情願 與你離去>

<Uh… respect for you >

胸に炎を 侍道 君がために 成す戦い
mune ni honou o samuraidou kimi ga tame ni nasu tatakai
侍者之道燃於心 為君戰 為君死
The samurai code ablaze in my chest goes to fight for you

いざや立て いざや進め
iza ya tate iza ya susume
既已奮起 一往無前
Stand up now, proceed now

< Kill or be killed>
<不為刀俎 便為魚肉>

いざや立て いざや行け
iza ya tate iza ya yuke
既已奮起 一往無前
Stand up now, go now

Kill or Die, Kill for Dream
為夢生 為夢死

ranse ni kiri saku hana no za o
In troubled times, I become a flower split in two

香る命 咲かせよ不滅ノ魂
kaoru inochi sakaseyo fumetsu no tamashii
芬芳馥鬱之命 綻放吧不滅之魂
Blossom your fragrant life, immortal soul!

Do or Die, Do for You
為你生 為你死

itoshiki anata no katawarate
Beside your beloved

卍桜 貫け侍魂
manji zakura tsuranuke samurai tamashii
古剎櫻下 時刻銘記侍者之魂
stay true to the Manjizakura [4] , samurai soul!

東西南北 “メッタ斬り” 片っ端から “メッタ討ち”
touzainanboku ” metta kiri” katappashi kara “metta uchi”
四面八方“斬無赦” 來者全都“無一拒戰”
East, west, south, and north is “cut to bits”, absolutely everything is “smashed to pieces”

ただ あなたの傍に居たかった 見せたかった花の舞
tada anata no soba ni itakatta misetakatta hana no mai
只為您如影隨行 見櫻花亂舞
All because I wanted to be at your side, wanted to show you the dancing flowers

忘れまじき恩顧を受けた 故に “前に” 常に “前に”
wasuremajiki onko o uketa yue ni “mae ni” tsune ni “mae ni”
浩恩惠顧 永不忘懷 因此務必 經常“勇往直前”
”I must not forget the favour I received, therefore I go “forward”, ever “forward”

我こそが真の護り人 決して覆せない Truth
ware koso ga shin no mamoribito kesshite kutsugaesenai Truth
吾乃維護正直之人 絕不顛覆 所謂真相
I am a protector of truth, the never hidden truth

♪ Note (By Ryuuhou Kagiyama):

[1] Literally, way of the samurai. The term bushidou (way of the warrior) is more well known as the code of conduct for samurai, but it applies to all Japanese warriors. Samuraidou is even more specific than bushidou.

[2] More literally, “I take up the position as…”

[3] As in holding your weapon above your head to strike.

[4] Better left untranslated. 卍 is the Manji, which is an ancient auspicious religious symbol. It is commonly used to mark ancient sites to represent eternity. Zakura is just cherry blossom. The Manjizakura is probably a reference to Yuyuko, who is both ancient and is represented by cherry blossoms.

[5] A ninja, in case you didn't know.

[6] Another untranslateable concept. It can somewhat be described as the beauty in things that are otherwise simple, dreary, or poor. It evokes a sense of the power of nature over mankind and the impermenance of humanity. It is somewhat spiritual and mystical in nature, so Youmu is pondering wabi-sabi as part of her training to be like a shinobi.

♪ 註解 (By 天宫冥子):


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