
2017/08/03 585 0 視覺化 , 東方Vocal , 歌詞 , ,

Hi! This is our 209th visualization, 190th Touhou Vocal video with a length of about 4 minutes, hope you like it! This is a translation of a Reitaisai 14 song, the seventh track of the album "Crest". The video includes Japanese, Japanese Romanization, Traditional Chinese and English Subtitles. Translation might be different from its original meaning.

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♫ 歌曲紹介/歌曲資訊/Introduction:猶予う月が溢ちるまで / 直至遲來的月圓之時 / Until the postponed full moon appears
♫ オリジナル/原曲/Original:
╠ 東方紅魔鄉 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. 《月時計 ~ ルナ·ダイアル》
╠ 東方紅魔鄉 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil. 《メイドと血の懐中時計》
╚ 東方花映塚 ~ Phantasmagoria of Flower View. 《フラワリングナイト》
♫ 中譯/Chinese Traditional Translation:天宫冥子
♫ 英譯/English Translation:天宫冥子
♫ PV:冰淇淋 ‧ Bing Qilin
♫ 發布/Release:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
♫ サークル/社團/Circle:Crest http://crest-music.net/
♫ アルバム/專輯/Album:2017-05-07 (博麗神社例大祭14) Crest - Crest http://crest-music.net/cd-crad0025
♫ アレンジ/編曲/Arrange:JeetSingh
♫ リリック/作詞/Lyric:なぎさMK-02
♫ ヴォーカル/歌手/Vocal:なぎさMK-02
♫ 画像/圖片/Image:dairi https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=39547480
♫ 背景画像/背景圖片/Background image:https://unsplash.com/photos/YqDSBD1baE0

✎ 製作/Maker:萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/MengYueHD/
✎ 萌樂 ‧ Meng Yue Google+:https://plus.google.com/b/102321267020979616294/+mnyue
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♪ 歌詞/Lyric:

sugisaru toki o tome mashou
Let's stop the time passed away

眠る君の側で せめて目を覚ますまで
nemuru kimi no soba de semete me o samasu made
我會在一直在入眠的你身邊 至少到你醒來爲止
I'll be next to you who's asleep, at the very least, until you wake up

闇夜は映す 己の弱さ 隠し続けた涙
yamiyo wa utsusu onore no yowa sa kakushi tsuduketa namida
一直以來都隱藏 映出自身弱點的暗夜中 流下的淚水
Kept on hiding my tears as the dark night reflected my weaknesses

欠けては満ちるあの月はほら 緋色へと染まる
kakete wa michiru ano tsuki wa hora hiiro he to somaru
殘缺的為 那顆圓滿之月 看吧 它被染成緋紅
Look, that full moon over there is missing a piece, and is dyed scarlet

巡りゆく季節は 零れ落つ砂のように
meguri yuku kisetsu wa koboreotsu suna no you ni
巡邏的季節 如同零落的砂石般
The revolving seasons are like sand spilled out

残酷に流れて 消え入る刹那 抗えめ運命よ
zankoku ni nagarete kieiru setsuna aragaeme sadame yo
不可抗拒的命運啊 殘酷地流逝 消失於刹那間
Oh unresistable fate, washed away cruelly and vanished in an instant

過ぎ去る時を止めたなら 愛しい君が眠るその顔を
sugisaru toki o tometa nara itoshii kimi ga nemuru sono kao o
若能停止過去的時間 僅僅看著你那可愛的熟睡面孔
If we stopped the time passed away, just by looking at that

見つめるそれだけで 他には何もいらないから お願い
mitsumeru sore dake de ta ni wa nani mo iranai kara onegai
我就不需要其他的 拜託了
Lovely sleeping face of yours, I don't need anything else, please

この我儘をどうか許して また日が昇るまで
kono wagamama o douka yurushite mata hi ga noboru made
無論如何 請原諒我這份私心 直到日出之時
Please forgive this selfishness of mine until the sun rises

midareta toki o kizami tsudzukeru futatsu no byoushin tachi
量測每時每刻被擾亂的時間的 兩支秒針
The two second hands that calculates every second of the distorted time

決して追いつく事のないまま いつか止まるだろう
kesshite oitsuku koto no nai mama itsuka tomaru darou
如同永遠追不上的事物從不存在般 它將有一天會停止的
Like never being able to catch up with something doesn't exist, it'll stop someday

月影も見えない 暗幕を引いた空
tsukikage mo mienai anmaku o hiita sora
拉開暗夜窗幕的夜空 連月光也看不見
Even the moon's shadow can't be seen in the skies with a dark curtain pulled out

寂しくて静かで 私と同じ 今宵は朔の夜
sabishikute shizuka de watashi to onaji koyoi wa saku no yoru
今晚的新月之夜 靜寂如我
Alone and quiet, just like me, tonight's the night of the new moon

過ぎ去る時を止めたなら 愛しい君の無邪気な瞳を
sugisaru toki o tome ta nara itoshii kimi no mujaki na hitomi o
若能停止過去的時間 因爲我發誓要守護你那雙可愛純潔的眼睛
If we stopped the time passed away, because I swear to protect

守ると誓うから 時間を止めて 1秒だけでもいい
mamoru to chikau kara jikan o tomete ichi byou dake demo ii
Those lovely innocent eyes of yours, I'll stop the time even for a single second

眩しい日々がこの先ずっと 永遠に続くように
mabushii hibi ga kono saki zutto towa ni tsuzuku you ni
Making these dazzling days last forever from now on

meguri meguru kisetsu wa hakanaku utsuroi kawaru
巡迴的季節們 稍縱即逝地更迭不斷
The revolving seasons changes quickly and transiently

yamanai hari no oto
Unstoppable sounds of the needles ticking

狂い咲くた花は 散るからこそ美しい
kurui sakuta hana wa chiru kara koso utsukushii
瘋狂綻放的芳華因爲會凋謝 才顯得如此美麗
Flowers blooming madly are beautiful because they scatter

ikiteru sore dake de
這就是 活著的一切
That's all I've been alive with

過ぎ去る時を止めたなら いつもいつでも 小さな貴女の
sugisaru toki o tome ta nara itsumo itsu demo chiisana anata no
若能停止過去的時間 就能隨時隨地守護幼小的你的珍貴笑容
If we stopped the time passed away, I can always protect that smile of yours at anytime

笑顔を守るから いつか別れの時がくるけれど
egao o mamoru kara itsuka wakare no toki ga kuru keredo
Even if our farewell will arrive someday

時を止めましょう そういつまでも 小さな貴女を
toki o tome mashou sou itsu made mo chiisana anata no
讓我們就這樣停止永遠地時間吧 因爲我發誓要守護幼小的你
Let's stop the time like that forever, because I swear to protect you

守ると誓うから 独り善がりな願いだけど 許して
mamoru to chikau kara hitoriyogari na negai da kedo yurushite
即便這是個自命不凡的願望 請原諒我吧
Although it's a self-satisfying wish, please forgive me

owari no toki mo anata no soba de yorisoe masu you ni
臨終之時也要在你身旁 如同緊緊地靠近你般
I'll be next to you even for my last moment as if we'll cuddle close together

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